Brandon and Jessi got married January 2nd, 2010. This is a blog about their life together!
My Compassion Kids
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Monday, November 21, 2011
House business
Monday, November 7, 2011
Alone again, naturally
Monday, October 10, 2011
Monday, October 3, 2011
A-hunting we will go...
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
One more Smith in the world...
Saturday, August 20, 2011
So far.
Friday, July 22, 2011
Oh happy day...
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Bible Study time!
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Waiting and waiting.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Cheesy-Onion Cornbread
I am sitting here eating this amazing cornbread I made yesterday, and I thought I'd share the recipe.
2 6oz packages buttermilk cornbread mix (I used Martha White)
1 cup shredded colby-monterey jack cheese blend
Chopped tops of 2 green onions (about 1/4 cup)
1 tbsp butter or margarine
1 1/3 cup milk
Preheat oven to 450. Combine cornbread mix, onions, and cheese in a bowl. Set aside. Put butter in 8x8 inch pan and place in oven for 4-5 minutes, until butter has melted and begins to brown. Add milk to dry ingredients and mix just until combined. Pour batter into hot pan. Bake for 18-22 minutes or until cornbread begins to pull away from the sides of the pan.
And that's it! And it's delicious. I normally don't like cornbread because I kind of choke on it (I have problems with my esophagus and some foods are hard for me to heat) but this cornbread is quite tasty. It's like savory cake. Yum!
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Tae's bookmark
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
My Notebook
Sometimes it's been by choice. Like a few nights ago, I wasn't that tired so I stayed up til 2:30 chatting online with friends. Sometimes I stay up late listening to TV shows online. Sometimes I stay up reading a book. My nights have been peaceful, and I haven't been very tired during the day.
Tonight is different.
I have a little notebook that I carry with me everywhere. Most everyone knows about it, but it's such a fun and exciting story that I will rehash it here for those of you who don't. In the summer of 2009, I started taking some medicine to correct some internal imbalance I was dealing with. For whatever reason, no one thought to tell me that this common medication could wreak havoc on a person with a history of general anxiety disorder- a person like me. I took that medication for almost a month, not realizing until more than three weeks in that this sudden resurgence of debilitating panic attacks had started up when this new medication entered my life. It took MONTHS to get that stuff out of my system, and during that time, my life was horrible. Seriously. I had food to eat and a roof over my head, but I couldn't do anything. I couldn't go anywhere or spend time with my friends. I couldn't do my job properly because every night at work I'd have at least one severe panic attack, which apparently caused at least one of my coworkers some irritation since they told my boss I wasn't pulling my weight, as it were. I couldn't eat. Fear had me paralyzed- and my brain is flawed in ways that make it difficult for me to cope with fear.
The only thing that got me through that time and kept me out of the local psychiatric hospital (don't for a second think I'm exaggerating for dramatic effect) was making my little notebook. My mom loaned me her Bible, heavily underlined and annotated, and I worked my way through the Psalms (and eventually a few other books) picking out verses that expressed what I was feeling and wrote them down in my little notebook. I started taking that notebook with me everywhere, to read when things got scary, and it worked. It took some time, but reading those verses calmed me down.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Current events
Normally talking about my upcoming week is something that I save for my personal journal (which happens to be a composition notebook with a penguin chick on the front- if you ever find it, NO TOUCHING.) But I am so excited about this week I want to share.
Wednesday is my birthday, and since I don't normally work Wednesdays, having the day off wouldn't be anything really special. So I took the rest of the week off! I work a few hours Monday night and Tuesday morning, and then I'm done! I actually have some fun errands to run those days so that makes it more tolerable.
Wednesday my dear husband is working like, 11 hours (I asked off for his birthday...even though he didn't :P )so I will be spending the day with my mom. Because how lame would it be to spend your birthday at home by yourself? We are going to the zoo, and we will get food and go back to my parents' and watch stuff (probably the Office on dvd.) And it will be good.
Thursday is Brandon's day off, so we will spend time together that day. We are going to lunch at PF Chang's and possibly going shopping at the mall. The nice mall, not the one we normally go to. Haha. And it will be good.
Friday is my birthday party! A couple of my friends are coming over to watch movies and eat yummy food. I am so excited because I miss my friends so much- though I get to see my bestie Kelli every couple of weeks (still less often than I'd like), one friend I haven't seen since last October, and the other two since my wedding last January! And even then it's not like we could exactly hang out. We'll eat and laugh, and it will be good.
Saturday I'm going to see A., the girl I mentor. Though we won't be celebrating anything, we will be painting suncatchers and having a nice time. And that'll be good, too.
And lastly, on Sunday my parents are allegedly taking us out to a fancy-ish dinner for my birthday, since Brandon couldn't come eat with us Wednesday and the rest of the time people are working (people that aren't me.)
So as you can see, I have a very exciting week ahead of me, and I am greatly looking forward to it. Yay!
Mommy's Day
Brandon and I are so blessed to have the best moms on the entire planet. For serious.
My mom is wonderful. She is kind and funny and a wonderful friend. She is a good listener and a good talker, too. She has more patience than she probably realizes- she has put up with me and my anxiety problems for years and years and has always been there for me when I need her. If I'm worried, she will text me. She talked to me on the phone practically every day from fifth through seventh grade, helping me through my panic attacks and many times preventing them from happening. She also loves Jesus and shows it every day at work (she works at a Christian bookstore) and at home (through her Bible study, verse memorization, and willingness to pray for anyone who needs it). She is awesome, and I love her, and I hope that she had a good day today, because she deserves it.
My mother-in-law, Denise, is one of the nicest people I have ever met, and I am so glad she is Brandon's mom. There are so many stereotypes about in-laws being horrible, difficult people, but I think I hit the jackpot. Denise is kind and fun to talk to (we talked about makeup tonight, which she couldn't really do with her husband and four sons!) She (and her husband) have done and continue to do a great job raising their boys. I hope she had a good day, too!
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Another unbirthday
Today we went out to eat with my in-laws for my birthday. I chose Tumbleweed, because I am soooo tired of Red Lobster and those were the only two restaurants that popped into my head. We met B's family over at the restaurant. His aunt Ann had lunch with us, too. Even though I was sniffly (I am semi-sick) I had a very good time and a delicious lunch. I also got a very pretty and very sparkly necklace for my birthday. Stephen, my second-youngest brother in law, said that the store had many styles of pendants available, and they looked through the whole display trying to find me a walrus necklace (they had sea turtles and dolphins, so why not?) Of course, no one sells jewelry in the likeness of my favorite animal, so they went with a heart pendant instead. And that's fine, because I love it. And I love the fact that someone likes me enough to dig through boxes of necklaces trying to find me a walrus. ^_^
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Reester Bunnies
Would you like to hear about our Easter? Of course you would.
We woke up pretty early this morning for some unknown reason. I am a slow mover in the mornings and even I was ready half an hour before we left for church. Church was very good, even though there was another glow-in-the-dark skit thing using people's hands in white gloves (it kind of creeps me out, honestly.) We then proceeded to my grandparents' house, where we ate lunch and I got a birthday present. We are having my birthday super early this year since my aunt and cousin will be going out of town on Derby day (when we normally celebrate my birthday). So I got early presents and the dessert of my choice (coke cake!) I got a very cool Hello Kitty makeup brush set, and I went shopping two weeks ago with my Mammaw for a birthday dress and shoes- which I wore today, despite the rain. Rain, rain, rain. It's raining again. It has rained every day this week. It's stupid. But I digress.
From there we zipped over to Brandon's aunt's house, and we got there just as his cousin and his lovely, preggo wife were getting there. Brandon likes to hang out with Bryan (his cousin) and I like to talk to Siena (the wife), so it was kind of perfect timing, I guess. We couldn't enjoy any of the delicious food there (which included deviled eggs and homemade applesauce) because we were so full from lunch. Basically I stood around and listened to people talk, and then I sat down and listened to people talk. We stayed about an hour because Brandon had to work for a little bit this afternoon. Speaking of Brandon, apparently he spilled a Sprite in his aunt's basement (I think they were playing pool or something) and then when he bent down to pick it up, he scraped his back on said pool table. That's what he told me, anyway. He actually ripped a chunk of skin off. It was gross. After he dealt with that mess, he took me back home and he scurried off to work. He should get off work soon, though. So I'm just puttering around the apartment until he returns. Whee.
I hope everyone had a lovely Easter. Ours was pretty good. I am definitely tired from running around, though, and the fact that I haven't slept through the night in about a week because of all the storms we've been having recently.
I promise to try to update before the next major holiday.
Friday, April 8, 2011
I had a very long interview/training session today with the volunteer coordinator of the institution for which I will be a mentor (technically I'm not supposed to tell you where that is.)
The girls who live at this place are wards of the state, and there are a lot of privacy concerns about them for several reasons. So I can't ever take pictures of the girl I am matched with, I can't give anyone enough detail about her so they'd be able to identify her in a room of people. I can't tell her name, even.
All the girls who live at this place have been subjected to some form of abuse, whether it's physical, mental, sexual, or just plain old neglect. All of them have at least some form of developmental delay (that could be cognitive, a learning disability, trouble socializing, or a combination of these.)
I was told that these girls tend to take things very literally so volunteers have to train themselves to eliminate violent language from their vocabularies (even if it's something like "knock some sense into him" or another common phrase that really doesn't intend any harm.) We also have to be careful not to say anything that could be perceived as an insult or a judgment.
Volunteers for this organization have to be extremely careful about how much personal detail they share with these girls, because sometimes the girls act out (usually to provoke a response, or because they have a self-destructive tendency with relationships) and will use that information against the volunteers. I was also told not to take anything personally.
I was told a lot of sad statistics about children who get shuffled around the foster systems for a variety of reasons and end up suffering for it. I was told some facts and statistics that make me angry, because no one deserves to grow up this way. I was told things that I think would scare a lot of people off, but I think I'm up for it.
Even though I can't tell you who exactly you're praying for, I would appreciate it if you could pray for my mentee, and for the girls that she lives with, because they have had a rough time, to put it mildly. And pray for me, that I would know the right things to say and do and that this relationship will have an impact on her life and we'd both be better people for it.
Monday, March 28, 2011
The Quest for Cake
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Level up!
Friday, March 18, 2011
Our internet started working on Wednesday night. The new phones came on Thursday. It's nice to have both again. I wasted a bit too much time on the internet yesterday but now that it's out of my system it's time to get back to chores and boring things like that.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
The day started out fine, I suppose. Just the normal "I hate my neighbors"/"There's no gas in my car"/"Things are dumb" stuff, I guess.
Then my phone died.
My phone is a refurbished Blackberry. A few months ago the screen went white while I was texting and I had some weirdo error message. I have no land line. I have no internet. This makes life so much more complicated. I went to the AT&T store, had a long phone conversation with the tech support guy, and after a while he said they'd replace the phone and send me the "new" refurbished one priority shipping for free. I got the new one, and two weeks later, the same thing happened again. This time we were able to reload the software from my brother's laptop. Well, it happened again today. While no one was at my parents' house. While Brandon was out of town working in Radcliff. So I called my mom from the work phone and told her I'd call her again when Brandon got home, and that she needed to text him to tell him my phone wasn't working. Shortly after I got home, Brandon got home. His phone hasn't been working well either, lately. The difference is, his is more than seven years old (so it's to be expected). So when I was trying to make the call, his phone kept dying. I plugged it in, and it still died.
At this point I was basically losing it. I blame all this on the fact that I'm poor. We live in an apartment because we are poor(ish) and if we didn't live in the apartment I wouldn't hate the people who live near me. And also my oven probably wouldn't sit at a tilt so I could cook things on the stove properly. If we weren't poor we'd have good cell phones. Maybe really fancy ones. If we weren't poor we'd have paid my medical bills from last March off by now. If we weren't poor we'd probably have the internet, and also an OK computer. I could check the weather forecast without having to text my mom to find out if it's going to be "skirt weather". If we weren't poor we'd have a landline and cable, and our phone problems wouldn't be such a big deal. If we weren't poor I'd have a dog and I wouldn't be so lonely during the day. If we weren't poor, maybe I'd have a car whose air conditioning works and B would have a car that didn't have a busted door handle and a messed up trunk. If we weren't poor I could get the dumb nightstands I have been trying to buy for a year, and I wouldn't have to keep putting my stuff on an old end table (not that it isn't a nice, dependable end table. It's still not a nightstand. And it's even sadder that Brandon is using my beat up old night stand that has water marks on it and is missing the handle.)
There are some good things about being poor, though. We don't have credit card debt (it will take thirty years to save up for a new computer, I think.) We aren't wasting our money on cable tv when we need to spend it paying off our bills. This will pay off somewhere in the future. In the distant future. I guess.
My phone still doesn't work, though. And Jonathan couldn't fix it this time. Which means I risked my neck on a dark rainy night to come over here for nothing. Poo.
EDIT: I realize things could be so much worse. I could live in a corrugated tin shack with a dirt floor like my sponsor child, Tasya. I could be one of the millions of people who will die this year because I don't have clean water. I'm just having a bad day, and I really can't take it anymore.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Love thy neighbor. Ha!
Thursday, January 27, 2011
We are here.
Not much has happened in our lives since my last post (of course). It's been cold and snowy in Louisville. Brandon's dad left for a six-month deployment to Afghanistan (but I'm not quite sure he's there yet- they keep having delays). basketball season started and so far we're 0 for 3, but I think we're playing pretty well. The rats are fine. The guinea pig is fine. The apartment is fine. Our neighbors are moving out today (the only ones we liked!) so if you're looking for an apartment in our area, let me know. I want someone cool to move in next door. Unfortunately I don't think any of our friends are looking for a new place right now.
I'm at the library and it's almost time for me to start working, so I guess I'd better go. I just wanted my blogger friends to know we hadn't dropped off the face of the planet.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Last weekend
Anyway, I thought I would post about my anniversary, even though it's a few days late because we still don't have internet at home. Lame. Hopefully our new wireless card will arrive by tomorrow afternoon and we can get it set up. I miss the internet.