My Compassion Kids

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Another unbirthday

One good thing about having a birthday so close to Mother's Day (and Derby Day, which is practically a holiday around here) is that I get multiple birthday celebrations and usually early presents. ^_^

Today we went out to eat with my in-laws for my birthday. I chose Tumbleweed, because I am soooo tired of Red Lobster and those were the only two restaurants that popped into my head. We met B's family over at the restaurant. His aunt Ann had lunch with us, too. Even though I was sniffly (I am semi-sick) I had a very good time and a delicious lunch. I also got a very pretty and very sparkly necklace for my birthday. Stephen, my second-youngest brother in law, said that the store had many styles of pendants available, and they looked through the whole display trying to find me a walrus necklace (they had sea turtles and dolphins, so why not?) Of course, no one sells jewelry in the likeness of my favorite animal, so they went with a heart pendant instead. And that's fine, because I love it. And I love the fact that someone likes me enough to dig through boxes of necklaces trying to find me a walrus. ^_^

1 comment:

  1. too sweet. And I'd dig through boxes of necklaces for you. love you!


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