My Compassion Kids

Monday, November 21, 2011

House business

We found a house!

We actually found one a few weeks ago. We made an offer, accepted the counteroffer, signed a contract, and had our home inspection and termite inspection last Friday. We have to sign off on that some time tomorrow, and we're working on filling out all our paperwork for the bank. We have a tentative closing date of December 20th. That would be great, because that's a Tuesday (I already asked off for that day) and hopefully, we could move on Wednesday. I always have Wednesdays off, Brandon might be able to work a short shift, etc. So the timing is pretty great. We are so very thankful for this house. It is a big time answered prayer. I have no doubt in my mind that if we had not been praying about this house hunt, and praying over these decisions, we would either still be looking or we'd be getting a house that has issues.

Can I tell you about my house?

My house is only 13 years old (everything else that has been in our price range has been at least 30 years old, and we all know older houses come with more issues.) My house is in a nice neighborhood that I'm a little bit familiar with. It's still less than 10 minutes from my work. It's one interstate exit closer to Brandon's work and to our church.

My house has three bedrooms and two full bathrooms (which I really wanted.) It has dormer windows, which I really like, and a breakfast bar. My kitchen has plenty of cabinet space, and a window! My house has a one-car garage. It looks really small, but neither Brandon nor I have ever lived in a house with a garage, so it's a new, exciting thing to us. My house has hardwood floors in the living room and big, bright windows. My house has nice carpet, no weird holes in the wall, and is in such better condition than anything else we have looked at. Have I mentioned how thankful I am for this house?

Please continue praying with us that the rest of the home-buying process will go smoothly-and preferably as quickly as possible. Part of me is a little sad that there is really no point in putting up the Christmas decorations in the apartment, since hopefully we will be moving before Christmas, but it's worth it.

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