My Compassion Kids

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Level up!

My husband can be so silly sometimes.

A few weeks ago we were having some conversation about the city's budget, and how the new mayor had emailed all the city employees (me included) about ideas for reducing spending. One idea I had was to close the libraries an hour earlier, like we used to, because we get like an extra $0.50 an hour for every hour we work after 5 p.m. I was telling Brandon this and he asked how much I earned per hour. When I told him, he said "so I might end up making more than you" (let it be said that Brandon works more than twice as many hours per week than I do- my hourly wage means nothing compared to the amount of work he puts in.) I said "well, yeah, if and when you get an actuarial job you will be making about four times what I make". He said "no, if I get the promotion."

Excuse me?

Apparently he had applied for a promotion to a management position at work. It's still not a job in his chosen field but we are so thankful he has a job where he's trusted and can get so many hours. Anyway, the promotion would make him officially full time, which would mean better benefits as well as two technical raises (one for being full time, one for the promotion). And then he said nothing about it.

Tonight I was doing something in the kitchen and saw that he had brought home his work schedule for next week. His boss had written something on it in big black marker, which is no rare thing these days as he's been helping out at other stores doing inventory. I looked closer, though, and saw that the note was a reminder to wear his new uniform next week because "the promotion finally went through- congratulations".

I wonder if he would have ever told me? He's so funny.

So I am in a pretty good mood right now because I had been praying for this. The extra money will help us knock down our piles of bills a little bit quicker, and hopefully soon we can start putting back some money to buy or rent a house. Thoughts like these make me very happy, indeed.

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