My Compassion Kids

Monday, March 28, 2011

The Quest for Cake

B's birthday is tomorrow. My plans for this day are always changing. He didn't ask off for that day, but I did, so I will be hanging out with myself all day. He gets off too late to go out to dinner. I ended up spending more on his presents than I planned on so I guess that's ok. I planned on getting him an ice cream cake for that night, because that's his favorite. He then expressed concern that someone else (namely his mom) might get him an ice cream cake for his birthday because EVERYONE knows what his favorite is. So I offered to get him a bakery cake. He said "whatever's cheapest". Well, cheapest would be a box of Pillsbury cake mix, but I couldn't make a cool cake out of that. Especially since my cake pans aren't super great. So I headed out this morning on a mission to find an awesome not-too-expensive birthday cake.

My first stop was Walmart. Oh, if only I was shopping for a cake for myself. I found several I liked. My favorite was a Little Mermaid themed cake, but there were also Finding Nemo cakes and pretty pink princess cakes. There was a single Star Wars cake in the bunch. It was cool looking- lots of blue and red. It had action figures on it (I like cakes with action figures because you get to keep the toy.) The action figures didn't look so awesome, though. I went ahead and placed my order, not feeling so great about it. A few minutes after I walked away I was paged back to the bakery. They said that they only had one of those kits left and it was missing pieces- the stands that the action figures were on (the logo of the empire and the logo of the rebel alliance) were missing. They offered to draw the symbols on there, though. I was That is a cake wreck waiting to happen.

So then I headed over to Kroger to take a peek at their cakes. They had fewer options but they had a much better looking Star Wars cake. How exciting! It doesn't have toys, just a screen-printed picture thingie. But it looks nice. I'm excited about getting it for him. I wish he was off work tomorrow so we could spend time together- he's working 11 hours tomorrow which can't be very fun to do on your birthday. But hopefully he will like his presents and his cake will be yummy and he'll be happy.

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