My Compassion Kids

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Bible Study time!

Bible Study has begun!

We had our first Bible study meeting tonight at BD's Mongolian Grill. This year we will be working through Tammie Head's Duty or Delight. I'm looking forward to it. I saw her speak briefly at Deeper Still back in May and I liked what she had to say. We have almost twice the number of participants that we usually do this year, and that's pretty cool. It's nice to get to spend time with people other than crazy patrons and Brandon. : ) And I'm so glad we asked my mother in law Denise to join us!

Anyway, dinner was delicious (I had rice noodles, broccoli, carrots, edamame, and tofu in peanut sauce-SO GOOD!) and we had a good time. Before it has literally taken us more than six months to get through an eight week study. This time we're doing a six week study and doing two weeks at a time. So we will only meet three times. Hopefully that will help us keep on track. And if we do a good job with this one, maybe we will feel confident enough to do another in the fall. Or winter. Or both. We'll have to wait and see.

Lately God has really been laying some things on my heart, and some of them I'm not so sure about yet- like, I get the feeling he wants me to be doing something, but I don't know what. I hope that I will get a lot out of this study and might find some more clarity regarding what he wants me to be doing.

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