My Compassion Kids

Monday, October 10, 2011


We were supposed to go see two houses this weekend. But then Brandon said we couldn't go Saturday because he had to watch the UK game. So we rescheduled for Sunday. Saturday night, we get an email saying that someone got a contract for the one house we were going to go see, so we were just going to look at one house. And part of me was ok with that because I had kind of decided that I liked this house- the one we were going to look at- better than that other one, anyway. After all, it did not have scary blue carpet, and it said it had 4 bedrooms instead of 3.

So we go see the house on Sunday, accompanied by my parents. We notice that the air conditioning unit has been stolen. We walk in the door, and things kind of smell weird. I think it's just musty. It kind of smelled like my dresser did when we brought it out of storage. We look around, and things are ok. The bedrooms are really cute. Then the toilets don't flush. Then we open the door to the basement, and are hit with a horrendous, nasty smell. The basement, while huge and spacious, is incredibly moldy. There is mold about a foot up the wall. How incredibly disappointing. As my mom said, everything that was wrong with the place would probably take an extra $15,000-$20,000 to fix, and if we had that money, we wouldn't be looking at that house in the first place. We need a house that doesn't really need any work done, because we don't have the extra money to take care of that.

So that evening, I was a little sad and disappointed and feeling frustrated. I spent a lot of time online last night looking at some other options, and have found one or two that we might go look at Wednesday. I am going to wait and see what else is posted tonight and tomorrow morning.

And there you have my update for now.

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