My Compassion Kids

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Last weekend

So last weekend was our anniversary. It was pretty nice and relatively low key. We went to church in the morning and then went to the PetSmart near church (we like going to pet stores. I know, it's weird.) They had two rabbits there for adoption that were pretty cool. I want to take all the animals home, though. After that we went to Red Lobster for lunch (Brandon's choice) and ate too much. Well, Brandon did. I stopped before I was full. But Brandon had his share of the cheddar biscuits, his meal, half of my leftovers, half of my salad, and most of a giant piece of cake. Needless to say, he wasn't very hungry the rest of the day. We had planned on having carry out for dinner that night, so we could stay in and watch a movie. But he didn't want dinner, so I just got carry out by myself. And it took almost an hour for me to get an order of chicken. That was a bit frustrating. But dinner was good (the movie wasn't). Oh, I forgot to mention that in the middle there, we visited another pet store. Another PetSmart. This one had baby rats! I want them. I want all the animals. We visited another pet store this week to get food for our dear animals and they had lots of bunny rabbits and two of the cutest puppies I have ever seen. I can't wait until we get a house and we have room for more animals. Who knows when that will be, though.
Anyway, I thought I would post about my anniversary, even though it's a few days late because we still don't have internet at home. Lame. Hopefully our new wireless card will arrive by tomorrow afternoon and we can get it set up. I miss the internet.

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