My Compassion Kids

Monday, June 30, 2014

Sweet Greetings from India and Indonesia

It's time once again for Mail Call Monday!

When I started writing this post, I had only received one letter for the week. I went out to get the mail, though, and there was another letter!

The first letter was from Jayid in India.

I have experienced some interesting things from Jayid's center since Compassion's letter writing changes were implemented a few years ago. Usually his letters are form letters (he is of the right age for that) and everything is written in English. Before the changes, I saw Hindi writing on the letters from Jayid, then the translations. Anyway, for this letter I received just an open format letter, which is a little unusual since he has about three more years to go before he's supposed to write those sorts of letters. Also, on the front there was a tiny bit of Hindi writing- what looks to be about three words, if they were in English. Yet the back was filled up with English words! I wonder what the bit on the front says? Anyway, Jayid had a few things to say through his child development worker. He sent more thanks for the gifts my mother in law was able to mail for me when she visited India back in November. I'm so glad he liked everything! He also said that he is participating in VBS and his Bible verse is Philippians 4: 4-7. The letter said that he has learned many new songs, including "Jesus Power Super Power!" He is also doing arts and crafts. Jayid asked that we pray for his brother "who is suffering from fever and good health." A fever doesn't sound like good health to me! Jayid's mom was sick with a fever a few months ago- I'm starting to wonder if his area (or maybe just his family) is having a health crisis. "Fever" could mean malaria or typhoid. I will probably be asking about an inquiry this week.

The second letter was from my Tasya, in Indonesia!

I am always excited to receive letters from my kids, but Tasya's letters have the added excitement of being from our first sponsor child, the child we have known the longest, and the child who calls us "Mama Jessi" and "Father Brandon." : )

Tasya's letter took a loooooong time to get over here- it was written in February! She wrote that in February, she was able to take part in a parade featuring sponsored children! It was exciting for her because many of her friends were there. She also said that school is going well and she would have exams in two months (late April to early May) and she hoped that we were praying they would go well. She also said " I also will continue to pray for dear mom's work to run well every day. May dear mom and family are all blessed by God." I'm glad that she's praying for my work! Tasya has mentioned my work at the library several times- in fact, she is the only one of our kids that has mentioned it beyond an introductory sort of thing! 

I'm so thankful that I got some letters this week- and getting one today was definitely a nice surprise! 

1 comment:

  1. Taysa sounds so sweet!!!!! And poor Jayid's brother... I'd agree that fever and good health don't go together. I love how he keeps thanking you for the gifts!! How precious!!


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