My Compassion Kids

Saturday, June 28, 2014

The sixth seven days.

I'm still challenging myself to find happy moments and things each day for 100 days! Here are this week's.

June 22: I'm thankful that I had a lot of time to rest today. I feel like I'm reaching some kind of boiling point with my stress levels, and I was able to have some downtime today. After church, we came home and ate lunch and watched a movie. Later in the day I got to go through some cookbooks looking for new recipes and spend some quiet time by myself!

June 23: I had to go to work early today because we had a staff meeting with my boss's boss. It wasn't fun limb to work early, but the good thing is that the rest of my work days this week are a little shorter to make up for the time. And since I had a longer shift, I had to take a lunch break. I'm thankful I got to eat dinner with my best friend (and she brought me a big Mountsin Dew fromTaco Bell!)

June 24: I am very proud of myself. I had my last dentist appointment today (for a while) and I got through the whole thing without freaking out. No nitrous, no digging my nails into my arm. Nothing. I did come home and nap because of the adrenaline crash, but still. Like I said. I'm very proud of myself. And after I woke up. We had a great night at Bible study, and my mom and I had a yummy dinner from Mellow Mushroom!

June 25: I had a very short night at work tonight. That in itself is a blessing. And that's all I have to say for today.

June 26: I don't feel like I have a lot to be happy about today. Our air conditioning is out, I got some very bad news today, and there is just a bunch of dumb stuff going on (related: I would really appreciate prayers for the management of my stress.) But I got a letter from one of my kids, so that was nice. That is my happy thing for today.

June 27: Today was HOT. Argh! And it was my coworker's retirement reception at work (there are very few reasons I will go to work on my day off- honoring my friend Laura is one of them.) So those two things made me sad. But a few happy things happened today. I found a lace dress on clearance at Target for $8. We had green punch at the retirement party- normally we just get that punch at the art show we host every spring. It's like a special treat that my friend and I enjoy very much. And our air conditioning got fixed late tonight, so it is starting to cool down in my house. The best part is that the fix was cheap, and that Brandon has a family member who works for an HVAC company so he was able to come out and take care of it! He will come back this weekend to make sure everything's going ok. But it has been about half an hour since the fix and we've already dropped two degrees. Woohoo!

June 28: I found something really cool online today- a website that sells cookie cutters in the shape of different countries! They don't have every country, but they do have several interesting ones, including several where Compassion works, and many where my friends and acquaintances have gone to adopt children. I've been working on some crafts to sell recently, and those include some clay ornaments in the shape of Africa. I'm hoping over the next few months I can afford to order some of these neat cookie cutters for more crafting! I'm excited about it!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad your ac is fixed!! And those cookie cutters sound so neat!!


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