My Compassion Kids

Monday, June 30, 2014

Compassion Joys: June

Holy cannolli, the year is half over! Here are this month's Compassion Joys!

 Compassion Family


We received several letters this month-  one each from Brenda, Said, Patricia, Victor, Mary, Caleb, Elisha, Tasya, and Jayid! Several of the kids sent drawings, and Victor and Mary wrote really sweet notes about how we are all one big family and they've been praying for my mother in law Denise, who was diagnosed with kidney cancer and had surgery earlier this year. Mary's letter also included a bonus photo of her with her mom! They are holding a check for Mary's school fees, which was a gift from her financial sponsor.


This month we celebrated two birthdays- Kevenel turned 8, and Erick turned 5!

New Kids!

This month brought three new correspondence children again! Two I was kind of expecting- the third was a surprise! Say hello to Reine and Omar in Burkina Faso, and Erick in Ecuador!


There have been lots of opportunities to share Compassion this month with random people I've encountered, including several patrons at the library where I work, and a few sales clerks! I'm really proud of my mom because she has also been talking to people about Compassion as well- she was excited to tell me the other day that the girl who helped her at Walgreens (where she was buying folders to send to her kids) is a Compassion sponsor. This employee was apparently unaware that you can send stuff like that to your kids- hopefully her sponsor child will be getting a letter and maybe a gift sometime soon!


  1. yay for birthdays and opportunities to share about Compassion! Yay for your mom : ) Thanks for joining in as usual - these are my favorite posts all month!

  2. My goodness, your new littles are so cute!! This month definitely seems to have been better for letters than last month!

  3. Your new kids are ao cute!!! How fun!! And that's so neat that you received an extra photo photo from Mary. I also love that you have had opportunities to share about Compassion!!

  4. That is awesome that you were able to share about Compassion with so many people! I'm hoping that this month I'll be able to start sharing Compassion information with some of my coworkers.


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