My Compassion Kids

Saturday, September 18, 2010

What it do?

I don't know how, but my weeks fly by. Zoom, there they go. Saturday is already most of the way over. I'm sure tomorrow will feel way shorter than it actually is.
I'm not really sure how I wound up here on blogger this afternoon, because nothing has changed since my last update- except that it's about a week later. I don't really think that's such a bad thing. Today has been very mellow...I'm feeling too worn out to do much of anything. I literally cannot find the energy to do the two specific things I was supposed to do today- load the dishwasher and fold the laundry. As I sit here at my desk typing this, I am tempted to just slide out of my chair and nap on the floor. Not that I should need another nap- I just woke up from one. I don't know what's up with me but it's super annoying and I feel bad because I haven't been very productive today, and Brandon has been working his tail off all week. :(
Speaking of B, tomorrow he has to man the cameras at church, which means it's my Sunday off (at least until I finally get my nursery work application filled out and sent in...) I think I'm going to mom's. Hopefully she will make some pancakes for me. And dye my hair. It needs it.
I guess that's all I have to say for now. I hope all 1.3 human beings that read this are doing ok. Does time move as quickly for you as it does for me?


  1. One of the many signs of getting older is that time flies! Hope you enjoyed your "breakfast". Love you!

  2. Time is flying!! =) & I am glad that you read my blog! I think you are the only one!


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