My Compassion Kids

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Happy Early New Year!

I was at work today and was asked to make a sign for our "Banned Books" display (because Banned Books week is coming up.) I decided that it would be fun and challenging to read through the entire list of most frequently challenged/banned books in the United States. I've been thinking about New Years resolutions lately, too (don't ask me why, because I'm not quite sure) and thought "that would make a great resolution!" I decided to start on it early, though, because I'm kind of bored and I'm looking for some stuff to read.
So here's the dealio, kids. I am going to read all the books on this list, except for American Psycho because I had to read that for a class two or three years ago and it was truly disturbing. I will still review it though. And...there's a spoiler. I'll write a brief review of everything I read. Fun times! I think it's a pretty cool idea, personally. I already ordered a few books and I'll get started on them as soon as they come in.

1 comment:

  1. that sounds fun. I might join you on some of them. Except you are better at reading things you don't like. My mind chases butterflies...


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