My Compassion Kids

Sunday, September 12, 2010

New job! Sort of.

Yesterday, I was in A Mood. I woke up sore and grumpy, and considering what would be going on at work that day, I was sure my Saturday was going to be painfully lame. The day did start out pretty dumb. I didn't have much help on the things I was working on, we had some particularly ripe patrons come in (one was so bad I had to step away from the desk for a while...ugh), and I was still in A Mood. I went home for lunch and cheered up a little when I saw a package waiting for me in front of our door (I'd ordered some new shoes a few days ago and was a bit excited about them.) When I went back to work, I started emailing a few of my friends who work at other branches. One of them is my friend Jackie, who worked at our branch a little while back and abandoned us when a better job opened up. She has a 6 month old baby who is basically my littlest best friend. I love him. Anyway, I had told her earlier this week that I would babysit for Owen any time she needed me to- I don't exactly have anything going on during the daytime before I go to work. I had actually been wanting her to ask me to babysit since the kid was born. It turns out in October Owen's current sitter will have a baby of her own, and she won't watch him anymore. And it just so happens that my schedule pretty much perfectly coincides with Jackie's, in that when she needs a sitter, I'm just sitting at home hanging out. looks like I will be my pudgy buddy's new sitter starting some time next month! I am ridiculously excited about this. I love that kid. He's awesome.
So during the course of the day my mood was transformed from extremely grumpy and difficult to pretty elated. I couldn't wait to get home and tell Brandon that I had gone out and got myself a second job (haha). When I got home, there was a letter waiting on the coffee table for me from our sponsor child in Indonesia! Really it was more of a worksheet, but it's still the coolest thing. She asks us questions, tells us about her family, her favorite Bible study, how tall she is compared to her friends- she even put her fingerprint on there! At about 5:10 pm yesterday, I was the happiest I've been in a long time. ^_^

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