My Compassion Kids

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Project Letter: PE-352

Here's a letter from the director of Mishel's project in Peru! The pictures are from Compassion's website. 

My name is Lourdes B., and I am the project director at (PE-352) attended by your sponsored child. We are located in Junin, Peru. Thank you for sponsoring Mishel.

I have the pleasure to thank all the sponsors of our children for your sponsorship and support. You all are a great blessing for our center and church. It is very important to our children to receive a sponsor letter because many times when they feel discouraged, a letter encourages them to continue in the program. One of our boys was very excited to receive a letter, and he shared it with his classmates and tutor. He says he keeps his letter in a folder along with all his other letters. When our children and their families receive a gift, they are always grateful and happy. Parents cry for happiness if they are going through a time of need and can't find a solution. Many blessings for our sponsors!

I want to share with you what our children and teenagers are learning spiritually. We teach children from 3 to 6 years old how to pray. Bible stories, how to memorize Bible verses, and to participate in children's church services. Our children from 7 and above have Bible verse contests, basic discipleship lessons, and camps. Each child and teenager has daily devotional times with their tutors in class. They also attend Sunday school.

With God's help, most of our teens finish their last year of high school. However, only a few continue on into higher education. Some of them are working since their parents do not have economic resources. Thanks to Compassion Complementary Intervention funds, several of our young people have been able to go to university to study nursing, administration, agronomy, and computer science. Other students are attending academics. They are happy and grateful for the support they are receiving.

Our children and teenagers are healthy. Most of them eat healthy food, and they also practice sports. They have medical checkups every year.

We have a young lady who started with us when she was 3. She had family and financial problems. All of that affected her emotionally. It was a very difficult time for her when she saw and listened to how her father treated her mother. The pastor and his wife visited them on several occasions, and they spent time with the child. As time passed, she told them that her father had changed a lot, and cared more about her and her mother. They were grateful to God for the prayers of our staff and the pastoral visits. Later, her father passed away due to an accident. It was a very sad situation, and we could only hug her, cry, and pray for her and her family that our Father God would comfort them. Thank God that during the wake, the young girl, her mother, and other relatives surrendered their lives to Christ. We visited them and supported them constantly with God's help, and they were able to overcome their situation. She is now 15 years old and along with her mother, has been baptized. She helps in Sunday school, and she attends the church services. As a 10th grader, she got second place in her school. She's very happy for the support she's receiving from the center.

Thank you, again, for sponsoring Mishel. I pray that God will pour his grace, mercies, and blessings upon your life.

If you are interested in sponsoring a girl in Peru, please consider sponsoring Maria! She is so cute and I have been eyeing her profile on the website for a little while. :) Maria lives with her mom, who is a farmer. She just turned 3 on March 22! Read more about Maria here.

1 comment:

  1. How neat that so many of their students have been able to attend the university!!! And I love hearing about kids sharing their letters with classmates. Thanks for sharing all these. I had to wait over an hour for the pediatrician and had time to sit and read them!


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