My Compassion Kids

Monday, April 4, 2016

Project Letter: BR-167

Here's a letter from our Patricia's project in Brazil! The photos come from Compassion's website. :)

My name is Sandra A. I am director at (BR-167) in Aldeota, in Northeastern Brazil, that assists your sponsored child. Thank you for sponsoring Patricia. I thank God for the privilege to be involved in the care of lives. Through you I am an instrument of love and assistance to sponsored children. Through sponsors' gesture of love, children have been very blessed.

In my time in the center, there are many experiences and life-changing testimonies. I want to share a few. The first is the story of a girl of 11 years who had her life transformed through sponsorship. She has six siblings and lives in an extremely difficult context of violence. Her father and older brother are drug-addicted and involved in trafficking. One of her brothers has even been murdered. This girl showed an uneasy and aggressive behavior. But hearing about Jesus and seeing the love of her sponsor radically changed her. Now she behaves well and is caring, loving, and very helpful. She shows peace even when surrounded by family problems.

I want to share about a 16 year old boy who was born in a very unstable home. His whole family had a poor perspective on life until he started to take a course at the center. Today he both works and studies. We already see this teen planning his future and talking about attending college. For these testimonies and many others we see daily, I am grateful to our sponsors and to God who has helped us to overcome the difficulties.

I would also mention a grace given to us recently. Thanks to God and the prayers of many, we recently received a donation and with it we bought a guitar, speakers, and two microphones. This came at a very good time.

I want you to know the joy of the children when they receive letters. They are delighted to know the news of their sponsors' life.

All these things motivate me deeply to continue working with these children. I see how much they learn about Jesus, and I realize the only way they will know him will be through the center. This encourages and challenges me to keep fighting for each one of them.

Thus, I count on your prayers so the Lord continues to give us strength to face the many adversities that arise daily. But love becomes bigger than the difficulties. We see many miracles every year, and this drives us every day to make a difference in the community we serve. This ensures the good reputation of being mirrors and followers of Jesus, announcing the gospel to children, young people, and their families. May the love of Jesus revealed in the cross be revealed in our lives in such a way that we love each other unconditionally.

Finally, I thank you again for your dedication in sponsoring Patricia. Your role is very important in this journey. So we pray for you every day that God makes you feel in your heart this desire to take care of lives, regardless of distance. This is my prayer, that you always overflow love and have your daily bread and your financial needs. May the Lord bless you and renew your strength, and remember us that our work in the Lord. So far the Lord has helped us.

If you're interested in sponsoring a child from Patricia's project, Andrey has been waiting over six months for a sponsor! He's so handsome! Read more about him here. 

1 comment:

  1. I just love hearing the stories of lives changed through the work of the project!! God really is using these churches to reach kids.


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