My Compassion Kids

Monday, November 16, 2015

Sweet Greetings from Uganda, Ethiopia, Togo, Colombia, Haiti, the Philippines and Tanzania!

Happy Mail Call Monday from this sickie! :)

I'm very happy to say that we got our first letter from Ruth, our very special new sponsored child!

Ruth's letter was written before we sponsored her, but I was so very happy to see it nonetheless! Seeing her handwriting and her little drawing made me feel so good when I have been feeling so nasty the last week! Ruth wrote that she lives with her mom, dad, and three siblings (her profile says there are five children in the home, so maybe they have a new baby or an older sibling moved out recently?) She likes soccer, eating chicken, and Spanish class, and she said what she most likes about herself is her eyes! She drew a big rainbow flower on the front, too. Oh, I just love her so much! 

We also got a first letter from lovely Amelia in Uganda!

Amelia says she's so happy to write to us and she's thankful for our love and support! She said they've started a new school term and she'd like us to pray for her to perform well so she can be promoted to grade four. Amelia shared that her school break at the project was "so interesting", and they learned how to bake cakes called doddies! She said that people sell them and earn lots of extra income, and she'd like to start making them to help her family! She also says that they have been learning about personal hygiene and sexual purity at the project, which is really great. Amelia also asked if we have hills in our country like they have in Uganda. :) 

The same day, we got a letter from little Yekersew in Ethiopia! 

Yekersew's letter was a form letter about his hobbies! He says he likes to play soccer with his sisters, and he also wants to play with his teachers someday! He said he has a cat as a pet, and it doesn't have a name. Yekersew asked us to pray for his dad, who is sick, and in the "news for my sponsor" section, he said that the new road is full of vehicles. How cute! :) 

We also heard from Estha in Togo!

Estha wrote a form letter about her favorites! She likes jumping rope with her friends, and she enjoys "speed running!" Estha shared that her favorite part about attending the project is the prayer, and that her favorite teacher is Mr Adjitowou because he is a good teacher! Estha said her prayer for us is that our dreams will be realized at the end of this year, and she asked about my favorite Bible story! Estha said she was glad to receive our photos, and said she will send me a family photo! I hope she's able to do that someday soon! 

That same day, we got our first letter from Rachelle (formerly known as Mawoussi) in Togo!

Rachelle wrote a "big kid" letter and her first line was "I am very happy about you and I want to write you through this letter!" What a sweetie! She asked about the weather, my work, and my family. Rachelle said her family is doing well, and that it's monsoon season so they are having cool, rainy weather, and a break from school. She shared a passage from Numbers and asked that we pray for her studies. She drew a mango tree, a bike, and a backpack! 

There was also a bonus letter from Julian in Colombia!

Julian's letter was about his future! He wants to learn about the police, and he would like to visit Medellin. He says he wants to help old people and learn English someday! Julian asked how we are doing and thanked me for my letters and "pretty words!" How sweet! Julian said that he likes playing soccer and he and his family recently moved to a different house, which is beautiful! :) I'm glad that he likes his new home! 

And then a letter from Michel in Colombia showed up, too!

Michel wrote that in the future, she would like to learn about children and how they are educated! I guess she wants to be a teacher! She also wants to visit the United States and help her parents, and she'd like to learn English! Michel said her letter was sent with lots of affection, and she enjoyed Independence Day in Colombia with fireworks! She also said that fireworks are one of her favorite things, and that's her favorite way to celebrate Christmas! She asked that we pray for her grandmother to know Jesus, and drew a little pink house with purple clouds! 

We also heard from Kevenel in Haiti!

I'm so glad that even though Kevenel is young, he has a lot to say to me- so his helpers at the center take dictation on big kid stationery for him!! Kevenel says that his family is very well and he is excited about Jess's baby Lilly, and that she is "a nice gift from God to your friend." He is praying for Lilly to grow under God's grace and in good health! Kevenel answered an old letter I wrote about new babies, asking about how they are welcomed in his culture and how he could help someone who has a new baby. He said that where he lives, there are "people that make pregnant women deliver" (sounds bossy!) and that he would help his parents with a new baby by washing dishes, fetching water, "and so on." He would also watch the baby while his parents did their chores! Kevenel asked that we pray for the close of his school year, and he drew a house with two sets of stairs inside- on purple, and one green and yellow! 

We were also happy to hear from Mjay in the Philippines!

Apparently Mjay has had a visit from someone who knows his financial sponsor in the past, because he said after his greetings that he always remembers the time that John visited. I'm so glad that he's had a visit from someone who cares about him! Mjay asked if it is cold in our town now, and said that there have been heavy rains where he lives recently. He asked that we pray for his family, that they will stay healthy, and he said that he was very excited about the upcoming Christmas party at the center! This letter was written September 26, so he must be a planner like me. :)

Lastly, there were two letters from my dear Said in Tanzania!

Said's letters were a surprise since we had heard from him pretty recently! He didn't have much to say, other than he is continuing on with his studies, and that when he grows up he is going to work in "industry." He did share something very adorable about my friend's baby, Lilly. He said "I love Lilly. I consider her as my young sister and I wish her to grow well and I pray to God so that she will continue to grow mentally and physically." I was very happy to take a picture of that text and send it to my friend Jess! 

I'm very excited to see what letters we get this week- I know that we have a few first letters on the way! :) 

1 comment:

  1. How fun that you heard from Ruth so quickly! I love that she enjoys soccer. I am glad that you heard from Amelia too! What fun that she learned cake-baking. I love Julian's dream of being a police officer. And how sweet is Rachelle?? Kevenel's information about babies was too cute! And Said is as handsome and sweet as ever :)


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