My Compassion Kids

Monday, November 9, 2015

Sweet Greetings from Burkina Faso, Colombia, and Thailand

Happy Mail Call Monday!!

We got a few more letters this week- what a blessing!

Our first letter of the week was from Reine in Burkina Faso!

Reine wrote a short letter about what's going on where she lives. She says she's doing well and her country has been getting a lot of rain, so the crops are doing really well! She also says that Burkina Faso celebrates their independence day on December 11. Reine responded to my letter about libraries by saying that there is a library in a nearby Cultural French Center, which I think might be in a college. And she also said that there are hippos in her country! She asked how much rain we get, and asked us to pray for her family.

Next we got a letter from Michel in Colombia!

Michel's letter arrived a week or two later than Julian's, which was a bit unusual. I'm glad we heard from her! She wrote a form letter about her last doctor's visit, but she said she doesn't remember when it was. Michel said that at the center, she likes jumping rope, running, playing potato sack races and freeze tag! She has also learned to brush her teeth thoroughly and take a shower every day. :) Michel said she was happy to write to us and asked "has your hamster ever felt ill?" Which is funny because I don't have any hamsters! She asked that we pray for her father, who had an accident recently and was injured. I will be asking her what happened in my next letter!

Lastly, we heard from Thanakan in Thailand!

Thanakan's letter was about her friends. Her best friend is a girl named Nanchatapa, and they are best friends because they go to school together! Her friend also goes to the same project! She said she likes to play "bungee string" with her because it's fun! One of the volunteers from Thanakan's project helped her write the letter, and said that she loves getting my letters and she thanks God for letting her join the project! Thanakan drew a gorgeous picture of multicolored trees- they look like they're from a Dr Seuss book. The project volunteer said Thanakan wanted to know if I liked her drawing! She asked that we pray for her studies and said she is praying for Brandon's grandmother.

1 comment:

  1. I love how you described Thanakan's drawing! I feel like I can imagine it. I bet it's lovely and she'll be so proud to hear that you like it! I'm sorry to hear about Michel's dad's finger! I pray it heals soon. And that's neat that Reine knows about a library not too far from her!


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