My Compassion Kids

Monday, January 27, 2014

Sweet Greetings from Kenya

I'm always so happy to share my letters on Mail Call Monday!

This week has been a week for letters from Kenya! We got a letter from Victor last week, and, as I predicted, a letter from Mary wasn't far behind! : )

23 November 2013

Dear Jessi, 
How are you doing? I hope you and your family are all doing well. On my side, our family and I are doing well too and I would like to tell you that in Kenya most schools have been closed. In fact, I was position 19 out of 87 with a grade of C+ and I hope next year I will put more effort so that I may be amongst the top ten. 
I want to tell you that I received your letter and I learnt a lot from it, more so about your country and family. I would like to tell you that here in our country we are experiencing a lot of rain but some areas are too hot even plants cannot do well, not only that in our country some activities are taking place e.g. football, in fact I am a great fan of a certain team called Gor Mahia. What about your country? 
Last, I want to thank you for your support and I pray that God may add you more strength so you may continue doing the same to other people. May God bless you and your family. 
Your beloving son, 

I love Victor's letters! I'm very proud of his accomplishments in school and have already written a response letter to tell him so. It makes me happy to know that Victor enjoys the information I have sent him about the United States and Kentucky! He has always expressed a real interest in learning about my country, so last week I found a little activity book for him that has games and puzzles along with fun facts about American history! I'm also glad he wrote to me about his favorite team! I will enjoy learning more about Gor Mahia, and I was happy to write to him about the Kentucky Wildcats.

Then there's Mary's letter!

2 December 2013

Dear Jessi, 
I greet you in the name of the Lord our provider. I hope your family, country, and you are doing well. May our mighty provider expand your territory and bless the work of your hands. I received the letter that you send me and I am glad because I am learning more about your country. I would like to thank you for the birthday gift, birthday card, notebook and verse card that you send me. May God bless you. 
My family is doing great and I am also fine with God's grace nothing is impossible. Our country is doing well and it's green as this season is raining. One of the special things about Kenya is that we take an identification card at the age of 18 years. At church we are doing great with God's grace and I love reading about the temptation of Jesus in the Bible because they help me to overcome temptations wherever I am tempted. 
At school we are all fine. I am now moving to form four which is the final class in secondary. I have a target of getting a B and above. I will be happy for it and everyone else at home. I come to realize no one was born a fool and anyone can pass exams. I have given myself a motto: if others can achieve their goals, why not me. 
Thank you for the December holiday gift and may the Lord shower you with His blessings. I used the gift to buy a dress and shoes. I would like you to pray for our country. family, and I. I usually pray for you Jessi, your country and family. 
Yours faithful, 
Mary Mbari

Each time I get a letter from Mary, I am just blown away by her powerful faith! She is such a wonderful girl and I am beyond thankful that she is a part of my life. I am so proud of her positive attitude about school. I had been thinking about writing to my girls, giving them a mini "girl power" speech telling them that they can be or do anything. You know, make them feel empowered. I want to tell them about all these female pioneers, like astronauts, judges, politicians, doctors, and scientists. One girl I really admire is Malala Yousafzai, who, despite death threats and one failed assassination attempt, is becoming a powerful voice for girls' education- and she's younger than me or Mary! I think I will tell Mary about Malala in my next letter, and included some quotes about the importance of education!

I also have a little update to provide regarding the gifts I've been able to send to Jayid and Brenda over the past few months. I got in touch with Compassion to ask if they could do an inquiry about the packages we tried to have delivered in India, and they were very helpful! I went ahead and asked how long I should wait before checking in about Brenda's gift, and the wonderful representative I spoke with said she'd be happy to go ahead and check in with the Mexico field office, even though it's only been about a month since the expected delivery date. Hopefully I will get some good news about these inquiries soon! : )

1 comment:

  1. How fun that you heard from both your kids in Kenya!!! They wrote such great letters. I love how Victor is 19 in his class!! And Mary's goal to make a B! I love hearing our kids express a desire to succeed in school. I also love Mary's motto and what she shared about what she's learning in church. And I love how Victor shares so much about his country and that he wants to learn about yours!! What great letters!!


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