My Compassion Kids

Friday, January 31, 2014

Compassion Joys: January

I'm linking up with Jill at Compassion Family to share our Compassion Joys from this month! 

 Compassion Family

We've had a lot of happy Compassion-related happenings this month!


This month we received letters from Jayid, Victor, Mary, Tasya, and two letters from Said! We also learned what Mary and Said bought with some recent gifts we sent- Mary's Christmas gift and a family gift we sent to Said as a token of our sympathy and love because of his sister's death. 

Tanzania Trip Progress!

Truth be told, I have not made much headway in the area of fundraising this month, but some other things have happened. I got my visa taken care of, bought a couple of long skirts on eBay (woohoo! Bargains!) and have been in touch with some sponsors regarding the gifts I'm taking to Tanzania for them. I've also been helping my mother in law shop for her sponsor child, who is in Tanzania. : ) I can't wait to take a picture of all the gifts that will be traveling with me!

Compassion Bloggers!

The Compassion bloggers are currently in Uganda, and I am really enjoying their posts! It's particularly exciting to me to see folks visiting another country I care so much about, when I will be visiting Africa so soon myself! Uganda and Tanzania are "across the lake" neighbors, as I call them. : )

Possible New Sponsor!

I got some new child packets in the mail recently, and a few hours after their arrival, I took them to Bible study. We had a small group this week, but one person took a packet home to pray over the decision! This is especially exciting to me because if she decides to sponsor, this would be the first time I found a sponsor for a child packet! Usually I find new sponsors through this blog and social media. : ) 


Our Mishel in Peru celebrated her 13th birthday on January 11th! Yay!

New Kids!

We got TWO new correspondence kids this month! Caleb in Uganda was added to our family on mine and Brandon's anniversary! What a wonderful present! And earlier this week, I checked my account for picture updates, and found Eduardo! There is a little bit of a story behind his joining our far-away family. A group of people (mostly from my church) went to Honduras last fall. Between the holidays and other stuff, we just got around to sharing about the trip three weeks ago in church. I was very moved by the pictures and videos that were shown, and definitely started tearing up when two men who went on the trip performed a song they wrote, which was inspired by the kids they met on the trip! As soon as they started showing pictures of church members meeting their sponsor kids (through another organization my church started sponsoring with a couple of years ago after the first Honduras trip), I knew where I wanted to request a new correspondence kid from! It's so funny- I was imagining a cute little girl with pigtails, like the ones in the video we saw (who sang "Mighty to Save", which they learned in English for the visit!) Instead I got a very serious looking 15 year old named Eduardo. God's plans are not our own! And I definitely don't mind! 




  1. Awesome month for you. Congrats on the two new correspondence kits.

    Thanks for linking up!

  2. It's so exciting all the progress that you've made on your trip!! And it's exciting about the 2 new additions to your correspondence family. I know what you mean about God having different plans…I ended up with a lot more kids than expected this month! And I love that one of your boys is from Uganda!!!


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