My Compassion Kids

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Oh Happy Day

Today was one of the best days ever. No exaggeration.

We got to the airport a little before the plane was supposed to land, but found out when we got there that it had been delayed by about thirty minutes. No biggie. I've only been waiting like, two years for this day (maybe a year and a half), I can wait another half hour.

Though by the time we heard they had gotten off the plane, I admit I was bouncing up and down on my tired feet. So many people waited, ecstatic as all get out, waving little fans with my buddy's picture on them- the kind they hand out at church revivals.

And then we saw them, a beautiful family of three, coming our way. I may have squealed three or four times.

Immediate family gathered around for hugs at first, uncles meeting their nephew, grandparents meeting their grandson. Happy tears were shed. I stood off to the side quietly crying, waiting my turn for hugs.

Once the close family had their turn, though, I had to get closer or I was gonna explode. Not going to lie. I couldn't keep my happiness and excitement contained any longer. I physically ached with happiness seeing Anel with his thumb (sometimes thumbs) in his mouth, snuggled up to his mama, giving all these strangers funny looks before giving them gentle high-fives and even fist-bumps.

And finally I got my turn. And I felt like crying all over again.

Yeah, he's giving me the side-eye. We stuck our tongues out at each other, too. 
: )

I have prayed so much for this family. Held them so close to my heart. I love Anel and his mom and dad so much. Words can't even begin to express how happy I am that they are home. I can't wait to see updates on facebook about how he's doing as he settles in, getting used to life with his momma and daddy. I can't wait until he can come visit Bible study, too. : ) He's a little wild man- I have a feeling his mom won't have much time to do anything other than chase him around for a loooong time.

Welcome home, Bailey family!!!!


  1. Anel looks a little overwhelmed by all the affection! :) He's adorable. I am so happy for you all!!

    1. The way I see it, giving people the side-eye is WAY better than screaming and crying, which is what I might have been doing in his shoes!! He is so awesome. : )

  2. Oh my goodness!! What a cutie!!!! Thanks so much for sharing the photos!!! And congrats to your friends.

  3. Oh I wish you'd had a pic of the tongues sticking out! He's a cutie!!


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