My Compassion Kids

Friday, July 26, 2013

Happy dance!

This has been the LONGEST week! I don't know how I'm going to sleep tonight- I simply just can't wait for tomorrow! Tomorrow afternoon, at 3:25 pm, my friends Scott and Ashley will be arriving back in Louisville with their little boy! I am sooooo excited! Ashley has been posting an update almost every day on facebook, and I am extremely grateful and blessed that she surprised me with two pictures in my email a few days ago. He looks so much bigger in his daddy's arms than he has in all the other pics I've see of him! They have been having lots of fun with their little wild man and the other kids at the orphanage. Wednesday was my little buddy's birthday and I am so thankful that they were able to spend the day with him. They endured multiple flights (some on tiny planes), cold showers (a blessing in the 100+ degree heat they've had every day) and who knows what else this week so they could spend that day with their son. And now they're on their way home. I am just so happy.

I wanted to say thank you to my online friends for praying for this sweet family, even though you have never met them. I am looking forward to sharing pictures of this adorable little boy with you sometime soon! Tomorrow I'm going to put on my Haiti shirt, roll up my posterboard signs, and head over to the airport for the welcome home celebration! Yay!!!

PS You really should take a look at the orphanage's website and check out the awesome work they're doing in Haiti. Children of the Promise is taking care of some adorable kids- and their first goal is to reunite children with their families. So many parents in Haiti are simply unable to take care of their kids because life is so hard there. CotP and other great organizations work really hard to help birth parents keep their kids. If that's not a possibility, they then work to find them loving homes with adoptive families.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! How awesome :) I can't wait to see the photos and perhaps hear more about their time in Haiti. So happy for all of them!!!!!


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