My Compassion Kids

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Kindness, Week Twenty Four

Here are this past week's acts of kindness!

June 11- Made a package for my sponsor kids. The more our far-away family grows, the longer it takes (and the more expensive it gets!) to send hand-written letters and goodies to our kids! On this day, I spent the afternoon handwriting letters, picking out treats (postcards, sticker and activity books, even two tiny devotionals I found on clearance at Lifeway!) and labeling everything. I hope everything I sent makes it through OK, and that the kids like them!

June 12- Made my voice heard. This is another one of those easy-yet-important acts of civic duty you can do. I signed a petition and wrote letters asking my government to treat the NSA leaker fairly and humanely. I am not passing judgment on what he did, but I am worried that because of the magnitude of the information he made available to the public, and the tremendous backlash our government has received from both the media and the general public, that he won't be treated very fairly. I hope and pray that we extend the same courtesy and fairness to him that we do all others who wind up on the witness stand.

June 13- Played Santa. This week I found some really cool stuff on clearance at a gift shop, and I picked up a few things for some of my loved ones, as just-because presents. Even the smallest little gift can really brighten someone's day! On this day, I delivered the surprises I got.

June 14- Hit the road. This is the day that I departed for my trip to Pennsylvania to visit my cousin. I have been wanting to visit her since she moved up there two years ago, but I especially wanted and needed to go now, as she has been experiencing some pretty stressful times lately. Sometimes just being with someone and providing a fun distraction is a great act of kindness and love.

June 15- Supported small businesses. Being on a tight schedule in unfamiliar territory made coming up with an act of kindness on this day a little more difficult. On this day, my act(s) of kindness was to support small, local businesses, and give them a break when I could! Almost everything I got on my trip came from locally owned shops. I also made a conscious effort to pay in cash  so those business owners could avoid paying credit/debit card fees, and I spread my purchases out over several shops instead of getting everything at the one big souvenir store we visited. Every little bit helps!

June 16- Prayed. This was the day I spent almost every waking hour in the car (and every napping hour, too.) I was reading a book on compassionate living on my Kindle, and listening to praise music on my iPod. I decided to turn my Kindle off and spend some time in prayer. I prayed for several people I know who are experiencing all kinds of circumstances- those experiencing trials and difficult times, giving thanks for people who have offered words of encouragement to me lately, praying for a friend who is on the cusp of making a commitment to follow Jesus. I prayed for broken relationships and growing families, too.

June 17- Brought in some treats. My coworkers and I are under quite a bit of stress right now, with summer reading and all the craziness that comes along with it. I know that some of you still may not believe that working at a library could be a stressful job, but it really is at times. Anyway, on my trip I picked up a bag of treats from the Gertrude Hawk candy store to share with my coworkers. I left it on our kitchen table with a note, and I think that everyone who tried one of the candies liked them! Sometimes it's nice to surprise everyone with a little treat, whether it's candy, a pan of brownies, or whatever. It makes being stuck at work a little more fun!

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