My Compassion Kids

Monday, June 24, 2013

Kindness, Week Twenty Five

Here are this week's acts of kindness! I have been less active this past week since I hurt my back and have been home from work, but I still found some kind things to do. : )

June 18- Took candy to friends. Me and my cane went to Bible study this night, because I had not yet realized the seriousness of my injury. It hurt a lot. Anyway, on my trip to Pennsylvania last weekend, I got a bag of chocolates to share with my friends in Bible study. I used to bake something pretty much every week for my friends, but since I had surgery in January I haven't been doing that. I think this was the first time I have brought treats for them all year- and it felt good! : )

June 19- Supported a fellow sponsor. I did some shopping on Etsy on this day because I needed more soap. I found the Etsy shop of Sonja over at Conspiracy of Love. Sonja gives the profits from her sales to Compassion! She has lots of beautiful and affordable handmade jewelry in her shop in addition to the pretty-smelling goat's milk soap I got! Go check it out!

June 20- Pledged to help with a fundraiser. On this day, a friend of mine posted on facebook that her daughter (who is the cutest, funniest little girl I know) was doing a fundraiser for the pet camp she's attending, run by the local Humane Society. They were selling bags of dog treats, and the person who raised the most money would win a prize. I told her I'd definitely buy a bag, and she could get the money for it from me the next time I saw her at the library. Thanks to generous friends, my buddy raised $190 for the Humane Society, and she won!

June 21- Tried to check in with a friend. A friend of mine has been feeling down lately, and I have attempted many times to get in touch with her to check on her and try to cheer her up. On this day I emailed her AND sent a card. Sometimes, when we aren't feeling well, we shut others out and don't let our friends in. I know this from experience. I also know, though, that even when I'm not reaching out to people when I'm depressed or not feeling well, I still appreciate it when people send me cards or emails telling me they're thinking about me and they hope I'm well. I think this is universal.

June 22- Got a gift. My mom and I went shopping on this day for decorations and prizes for the double shower we are throwing for two of our Bible study friends (one is adopting from Haiti and another is having a baby in August.) While we were there I found this really cool 5-year gardening journal and showed it to my mom. She and my dad have started a really nice garden this year (my mom pushed for it but my dad does most of the caretaking) and she has been all about garden stuff for several months. That journal spent some time in our cart during our too-long shopping trip, but she ended up putting it back on the shelf because we were spending so much money on other stuff. And I went back and got it, and bought it as a surprise for her and dad. The book is really cool- they can keep track of the things that happen in their garden for the next several years, and it has tips and grid paper for planning and lots of other cool stuff. I was glad that I was able to get this for my parents!

June 23- Added to my purchase. I had another opportunity to tack on a little extra to my bill to support a good cause! I ordered a book on eBay recently (an adoption book that I've been looking for at a good price for months) and at checkout, they gave me the option to add a dollar to support the Children's Miracle Network Hospitals. Our local children's hospital, Kosair's, is great, and I have a few different acts of kindness planned for them down the road!

June 24- Added another dollar! This day I contributed to my local pharmacy's fundraising effort to send kids with Muscular Dystrophy to camp. Also I visited my mom at work because it was her first day after being off 10+ weeks for her surgery. I wanted to stop by and give her a hug and encourage her because I knew that she was worried about going back to work. And those two things are basically all I did today because when I got home I had to take my pain pills, and I slept a lot.

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