My Compassion Kids

Monday, March 18, 2013

Kindness, Week 11

Here are this week's acts of kindness! I actually managed to squeeze in a few extras this week, as the opportunities have presented themselves. It's been fun! I can't wait to see what the next week holds!

March 12: Sent a get well card. Brandon's pappaw has been in the hospital for a little while with pneumonia and then an infection. He is in the rehab facility now, which is good. I mailed him a get well card this week telling him we are praying for him, and that he should get well soon!

March 13: Made a photo album on facebook. This one is particularly exciting. I like to share links on facebook to kids waiting for sponsors. Lately, though, all the links I've tried to post from Compassion haven't had the pictures attached. I don't know if this is a change on Compassion's end, or facebook's, but it's been frustrating. The pictures are so important! So I decided to do something different: I made a photo album on facebook for waiting Compassion kids. I upload a few pictures every day of kids that catch my eye, whether they've been waiting a long time, they have a special need, or they're just super cute! I think it's caught people's attention more than sharing links did! On each picture, I post a little about the child, then include the link to his or her profile. The best part is going back through all the pictures, clicking the links, and getting to delete the pictures of kids that have found sponsors! : )

March 14: Surprised my brother with a funny DVD. My brother has been having an exceptionally difficult time lately. He has a genetic condition that causes him a lot of pain and basically makes his life hard. Very hard. Anyway, I went to my mom's house on this day, and I surprised him with a DVD of one of this favorite TV shows, which happens to be very funny and I hope it lifted his spirits.

March 15: Contacted my representatives about ending horse slaughter in the US. I am on the mailing lists for a lot of different charities and organizations. I don't always sign the petitions they send out, but I did sign this one. I live in Kentucky, which some people think of as the horse capital of the world. Horse racing is a big deal here (even though some of us don't really want to admit it.) Unfortunately, the horses used in these races are often discarded after a relatively short career, sent to slaughter for no good reason- and then often make their way over to Europe where they turn up in frozen dinners and IKEA meatballs. Ick. I have known about this practice for a while, and I'm glad it's gotten more press recently. This petition was urging our government to go ahead and outlaw horse slaughter here in the United States. I hope that this legislation passes. The bad publicity about horsemeat recently might just be the push it needs to end this cruel practice.

March 16: Called my grandmother. How often to you call your grandparents? I've mentioned before that I live relatively close to most of my family members, but I'm ashamed to say that I don't talk to my grandparents nearly as often as I should. We don't have family dinners or other stuff with my mom's parents like we do my dad's parents, so sometimes I find myself going an extremely long time without talking to them, and that's sad. I was reading a cookbook on this day and saw a recipe for tuna salad. It sounds weird, but whenever I think of tuna salad, I think of my Mimi, because she makes the best tuna salad and I used to ask her to make it for me pretty much every time I visited. I put the cookbook down right then and picked up the phone. She was so happy to hear from me! And she laughed when I told her about the tuna salad. : ) You should call your grandma today!

March 17: Visited The Rainforest Site. This is another one of those quick, free acts of kindness. The Rainforest Site provides several opportunities for acts of kindness. They have a big green button on the top of the page that you can click every day, and with each click, ad revenue from the site goes to protect the rainforest. They also have other opportunities to "earn" protected land, like signing up for emails and signing petitions. They also have an online store with lots of fairtrade goods and other fun stuff to look at!

March 18: Donated to Samaritan's Purse. Samaritan's Purse currently has a campaign called 5 Wells in 5 Days. Their goal is to raise enough money to build 5 new wells in South Sudan. Clean water is a cause that is very important to me, and I was happy to make a small donation to help their cause. Small donations add up! God can move mountains, people. I am reminded of this fact all the time. I pray that they exceed their goal and can build twice as many wells as they hope to.

So that's it for this week! I hope you found a little inspiration to spread kindness. Every little act of kindness makes the world a better place!

1 comment:

  1. What a great list!! :) I love that you faithfully do this every week. I think I may just have to join you this week!


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