My Compassion Kids

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Compassion Sunday

Please take a moment to check out my Compassion Sunday page! I am advocating on behalf of an adorable little girl in Indonesia named Keyza. It is my goal to find two new sponsors for kids by Compassion Sunday, which is near the end of April. Keyza is the first child I'm trying to find a sponsor for!

My first sponsor child, Tasya, lives in Indonesia. I can honestly say that I knew next to nothing about the country before I started sponsoring her. When I was looking for a child to sponsor, I brought up a list of girls who had waited a long time for sponsors. I clicked on and read almost every one of their profiles. When I came to Tasya's name, one thing caught my eye: in her little biography, it said she liked to read. Now, at this time my mom already had several sponsor kids, and I had visited the website browsing through the profiles several times. I had never read a child's biography that mentioned a kid loving to read. Reading is pretty much my favorite thing to do- it has been for a long time, and I wouldn't work where I do (the public library) if I didn't love reading and encouraging others to read! So that's how I became a Compassion sponsor. Here, almost three years later, our Compassion family includes five correspondence children (and we're on the list for number six!), two kids who have left the program, and two traditional sponsorships. I now know a lot more about Indonesia, and make it a point to learn as much as I can about each of my kids' countries. My coworkers can always tell I have a new sponsor child, because I will reserve every book in our library system pertaining to that country! So if a stack of picture books and non-fiction titles on, say, Kenya comes in, they know who the books are for before they're even checked in. : )

If you have been considering becoming a first-time sponsor with Compassion, or even expanding your Compassion family, please prayerfully consider little Keyza!


  1. Oh, my first child (a correspondent girl) lives in Indonesia. She was assigned to me of course. And I love her to bits!! Praying for your girl! Thanks for sharing your story :)

  2. Keyza is adorable!!! I hope she's sponsored quickly!!! It is was fun to hear how you started!!


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