My Compassion Kids

Monday, February 4, 2013

Kindness, Week Five

I spent a bit of time over the past day and a half trying to remember my acts of kindness from the time I was in the hospital and the week and a half or so after that when I was really disorganized. I've got my kindness journal all up to date, and I'm back to working on my acts of kindness every day. As I said in my first entry about this New Year's resolution of mine, posting about this on my blog is definitely not about bragging. I don't really think I have anything to brag about since my acts of kindness are not as impressive as some others I have read about (like, I'm not running a charity marathon any time soon. Sorry to disappoint.) But writing about this does give me a sense of accountability, and I also hope that sharing these little acts of kindness will inspire other people to try to be a little kinder, too- especially when I run across fun stuff like websites that donate children's books or pet food to shelters, for free!

Anyway, here are my acts of kindness from the last week:

January 29: Prayed for my friends. This was our first Bible study meeting of the new year, and whenever we get together for Bible study, we take prayer requests and I email them out to everyone. I did take the time to go ahead and pray over each request on the evening of the 29th, though. How many times do we say "I'll pray for you", and we never get around to it? I'm glad I'm able to help my friends in this way.

January 30: Wrote a real, paper-y thank you note to a sweet lady from church who sent me an awesome "get well soon" gift: alpaca socks. Those things are incredible. If your feet are cold, get yourself some alpaca socks ASAP.

January 31: Wrote a check to buy a puzzle piece for my friend Ashley's adoption fundraiser. She and her husband are working on raising the money to travel to Haiti in a few months and bring home their son! Check out this creative and fun fundraising idea here.

February 1: Emailed a funny article to a discouraged friend. I also signed an online petition to try to help someone who was unjustly fired get her job back.

February 2: Shared facebook posts from a friend trying to raise money for a good cause.

February 3: Took a funny TV series on DVD to my brother, who has been having a hard time lately. Hopefully it will cheer him up, if he ever turns his video game off long enough to watch it. : )

February 4: Sent a word of encouragement to a friend who is majorly stressing about an upcoming exam.

See? Pretty easy stuff. And the acts of kindness that did cost money hardly cost anything at all (a few postage stamps and five bucks!) Kindness is totally affordable!

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