My Compassion Kids

Monday, January 21, 2013

Sweet Greetings

On Mondays, blogging Compassion sponsors often post the letters they may have received during the week. I am linking up with Blogging from the Boonies- please check out Michelle's lovely blog and the wonderful Compassion-related resources she posts there.

I missed Mail Call Monday last week, but I did an early post for it, as we got a letter from Jayid the Saturday before my surgery. This week we received a letter from Said in Tanzania! One of the things I pray for specifically for Said is his school work. He has a positive attitude about his education and seems interested in staying school as long as he can, which is great! However, last year the project sent me a copy of Said's grades (a rare privilege for a correspondence sponsor) and his grades are not so great. Said's been keeping me up to date on when his testing for the end of primary school is coming up, and I have been diligently praying for his studies. No matter what happens, I am still proud of him and the work he does!
Said also drew some pictures for me, but my scanner is upstairs in my house, and upstairs is a place I can't get to right now. So I'll post them when I can. : )

Dear Jessi, 
Praise the Lord Jesus! I hope you are doing well and your family too. If so the Lord be blessed. God bless you in your duties and keep you. I thank you for sending me a gift and a nice letter. I have already taken my final exams for completing primary education. Please pray that I will pass for my exams. 
We are three kids in my family. How many are you? I love football, and you. I pray for you over your studies and your duties. Please pray for me over my studies. 
God bless you a lot and keep you always,

I also logged into my Compassion account the day after I got home from the hospital, to write to my kids, and I saw that Mbari's picture has been updated! She looks so beautiful! I can't wait to get the new picture in the mail so I can hang it on the wall with the rest of the kiddos!

1 comment:

  1. What a great new photo of Mbari!!! She's beautiful! And it sounds like Said is a frequent writer...that's good that he seems to like school although he struggles in school...our girl who is behind in school does not seem to enjoy it at all. But I'm praying for her to increase in motivation!


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