My Compassion Kids

Friday, January 25, 2013

Kindness for the invalid

It has been hard to keep track of my acts of kindness over the past two weeks. I was keeping track daily in a little notebook, and took that notebook to the hospital (I don't know why), and I haven't seen it since. It might still be in my duffel bag, but that bag is currently on the floor, which means I can't get it. And I keep forgetting to ask people "hey, can you pick up that bag for me?" It also could be in a stack of stuff my mom put on my nightstand, and then that stuff got put in a box until we could look through it later and put it away where it belongs....but so far, we haven't gone through it. We've been very busy napping, snacking, and watching Lost and Community on DVD. And then when I'm alone, I can't get the box because, of course ,it is on the floor. Oh well.

I did want to report, though, that even though I have been stuck in bed both at the hospital and at home, I have still tried to be kind. I have sent some cards to friends that visited me in the hospital, telling them how much I appreciate them. I took cookies to my nurses at the hospital, and tried very hard to always be smiley and polite, and thank them for everything they did, because being a nurse is a hard job. I don't know why nurses don't get paid as much as doctors. Sometimes, they do more work! I tried to buy lunch for my mom and brother the other day when we had to go back to the doctor after it looked like my incision might be infected (I'm fine.) Mom took the gift card, but not my debit card. Oh well. At least I got to buy most of lunch for them. : )

So for now, I can't share what specific acts of kindness I tried to do on each specific day, but hopefully next week I'll get back on track. It will still be hard to do stuff since I'm stuck at home, but I'm working on finding more online things I can do to spread kindness.

Speaking of online opportunities for giving, I have two more ideas for you. These websites ask a trivia question each day, and then when you answer the trivia question, the ad revenue pays for dog food (and cat food) for animal shelters. It seriously takes like two seconds!

Here are the websites:

Free Kibble

Free Kibble Kat

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