My Compassion Kids

Monday, December 31, 2012

Sweet Greetings

On Mondays, blogging Compassion sponsors often post the letters they may have received during the week. I am linking up with Blogging from the Boonies- please check out Michelle's lovely blog and the wonderful Compassion-related resources she posts there.

We are finishing out the year with an enthusiastic letter from my dear, sweet Tasya! It was so good to hear from her. I receive fewer letters from Tasya since Compassion implemented their new letter-writing rules for the kids, but I still rejoice over each one. Tasya was so happy to receive a picture of our dearly departed guinea pig- just one more reminder that the letters we sponsors send are so important to our kids! And using Compassion's online letter-writing tool makes sending pictures so easy!

6 November 2012

Dearest Jessi, 
I am well. Hopefully mommy is well, too. 
When I had my medical check up, the doctor said that I have to take care of my health. I got vitamin to be healthy all the time. Mommy, I am so happy because you've sent me a photo of guinea pig, even though it has already died, but I am so happy to see it. Every day, I always gather together with my family. I am so joyous to have such a nice mommy as you are. At home, I have a dog. Last week, her puppy is died. I was so sad. 
I will keep praying for mommy to be kept by God and be blessed by God. 
With love, 

We also received some good news and bad news from Compassion this week. Thursday we found out about our new correspondence child Mbari, and on Saturday Compassion called to say that sweet Annet had been dropped by her financial sponsor. I am hoping to find another sponsor for her soon. If you or any of your friends have been considering taking on a sponsorship, please let me know!!!


  1. That's so neat that Tasya loved the photo of the guinea pig!! And how sweet of her to call you "mommy"!! I love that she's praying for you to be kept and blessed by God!! That's a great letter to end the year with.

  2. what a sweet letter! I love that she calls you Mommy. :)


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