My Compassion Kids

Monday, December 31, 2012

Let it snow!

We finally got some snow here in Kentucky this week! Rather, we finally got some snow in my area of Kentucky. Other regions have had 6-16 inches of snow this week and last. I think we got about three inches at my house (judging by the height of the snow around the kids' tricycle that is sort of in my backyard, for reasons that are unknown to me.) I was very excited about it, and took some pictures of my backyard to send to our sponsor kids (who don't have snow!)

Early morning in my backyard

Our poor, neglected patio furniture

The neighbor's backyard (the trees look so pretty!)

I wanted to get a picture of myself outside in my beautiful new hat and scarf my mother-in-law made me for Christmas, but I was too cold, so I settled for a screen-door picture instead!

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