My Compassion Kids

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Same old, same old

We are not moving. No new pets. No new jobs. Nothing exciting going on at all.

It's hard to keep friends and family updated on your life when nothing- and I mean NOTHING- is going on.

Ok, if you must know, I start a new schedule at work sometime in the next few weeks. So instead of working three nights, I will work two nights and one midday shift. That's kind of cool. Granted, the midday shift is on a day that I used to have off, but that means I have a different day off, meaning I might actually get to see Brandon once in a while.

We haven't done anything fun and exciting this summer. We are not going on vacation- can't afford it. We have not gone to the zoo or a park or a museum or anything. For one thing, it's too hot outside (yuck). For another, the only day that we consistently able to see each other (meaning Brandon and myself) is Sunday, when everyone and their mom is out doing the things we would be doing. So we stay home. It's getting kind of boring here. We have been watching lots of movies, though, which is kind of fun. We love watching them. We will watch almost anything. We check them out from the library, borrow them from family, and we have a Netflix subscription. Sometimes we watch four movies in a week, if Brandon gets off work early enough to start one before I have to go to work.

That's all for now. I feel bad neglecting my blog. I wish we had more exciting things to post- friends of mine are posting about getting married, moving out of apartments and into houses (I'm jealous), and adopting children. The only thing I have to talk about is the fact that I made cookies on Tuesday and they're almost gone and I'm sad about that. Someday we will have something happy and exciting to talk about, I'm sure. Someday.

1 comment:

  1. It's funny. I think our lives are much more adventurous than I'd care for them to be. Hospital visits, doctors offices, tests, blah blah blah. (let's not forget surgery too.) I think I'll settle for a little peace and quiet. Enjoy your night tonight!


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