My Compassion Kids

Thursday, July 22, 2010


Today has not been the greatest day.

I got up this morning and made muffins. They were good. I had two for breakfast. Brandon had three. Shortly after I ate, I got pretty sick. Brandon did not. He went to work.

All day long I have felt poorly. My stomach has been upset since this morning, I have felt slightly feverish and I have had no energy. I have a headache that comes and goes. I have taken medicine, and would check my temperature except the batteries in my thermometer are dead (I've only used it like, twice!) and I keep forgetting to get it replaced. It has just been a yucky day. I have accomplished absolutely nothing- except for making muffins, of course. I've been in bed for the past three and a half hours. I was supposed to dust, and vacuum, and make cookies, and all sorts of other stuff before work. But I have been resting because a.) I need to make sure I'm actually able to go to work, and b.) I don't think I've been physically capable of doing anything else.

So that's what I'm dealing with right now. I feel yucky. I don't want to go anywhere, or eat anything, or drink anything, or...anything. But I do have to go to work in a little bit (the day has flown by...) and I have to go back to work in the morning. I am not too happy about either of these things. I had asked off for tomorrow because of mom's surgery, but I was told that I would need to work four hours in the morning, to help out and cover lunches, since for some reason we didn't want to have someone work Friday for me. And now...someone is working Friday. So I shouldn't have to go in, you'd think. But that's not the way things are looking...oh well.

If you read this any time in the six hours or so after it is posted, I would appreciate your prayers. I am not anticipating an easy night ahead of me. All I'm doing right now is sitting and typing and that's making me feel sick. This is basically my job description, so....yeah.

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