My Compassion Kids

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

You say it was my birthday? Well, happy birthday to me. Yesterday.

So, yesterday was by birthday, and it was pretty fun.
We were going to go to the zoo, but it was rainy and windy when we woke up, and stayed windy and gray throughout the day, so we decided to stay home and hang out. We watched several episodes of House and had Burger King for lunch, which gave us each a stomach ache. But it was okay. I spent the afternoon cleaning the apartment, and Kelli came over later. We watched a movie and all three of us had Applebee's for dinner (Brandon spent the evening studying for his actuarial exam, reading a Star Wars book, and playing with Guinea Pig.) Before she went home for the evening, Kelli and I watched last week's episode of Glee (she won't watch it if I don't make her.) She also got me some really awesome birthday presents, including the Glee: Power of Madonna cd, and a gift card so I can go buy more hairbows from Claire's. So that's what I'm going to do this morning. I'm going to do some shopping, courtesy of my birthday gift cards. First it's Target, to buy some sandals and a Hello Kitty backpack (backpacks are very handy and the one I was using for school fell apart, so I had to throw it away.) Then I have to go to PetSmart and get some lab blocks for the rats, because Quincy and Monster are coming home this afternoon! I'm so excited! And after I get their food, I'll head to the mall, do a little shopping, and probably get myself Chik-Fil-A for lunch, because you can't go wrong with Chik-Fil-A. Really. It's so delicious.
I'm looking forward to another good day today- hopefully it will live up to my expectations. It's just sad that I can't stay home from work tonight to play with my new pets. Oh well. At least I'll only be gone for 4.5 hours.

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