My Compassion Kids

Thursday, May 13, 2010

The girls are home!

Quincy and Monster are home! And they are awesome. They are very small still- so small that when I put them in their cage, they crawled right back out through the bars. They spent a large part of yesterday in a Rubbermaid tote (with bedding, water, food, and a baby hat to snuggle in) so they could not escape while we figured out what to do with their tiny selves. My wonderful grandfather and equally amazing uncle spent "like, three hours" attaching some mesh wire to the girls' cage, and covering up the parts where they ran out of wire, making their cage completely escape free- though it does look a bit like a tiny maximum security prison now. Quincy and Monster do not seem to mind, though, because it makes it easier for their tiny feet to climb around the cage (Quincy is the climber- Monster pretty much just runs around looking at everything with her face twitching, like she's some kind of addict.)
They are both very cute and sweet. Monster is mostly hairless right now, though- apparently because of some genetics, all her hair fell out. It should grow back in, and it will either stay forever, like her sister's, or it will fall out every once in a while throughout her life. Amanda asked if I still wanted to take her home because she is baldy. I said of course, I would not reject her just because she's a bit of a weirdo. She now fits her name in a different way, though. I mean, there's a mostly hairless, twitchy, red eyed baby rat running around in that cage. She kind of looks like a little baby monster. Quincy, on the other hand, has a lovely coat and is not a freak at all. She is more cuddly than her sister- completely content to sit on your lap and snuggle. Monster would rather explore. She's not unfriendly, just different. And they are both in a puppy-like nibbling stage, constantly biting fingers, trying to figure out if they're food. It doesn't hurt, though- I can barely feel it. Anyway, here are some pictures!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you are enjoying your babies. btw, your brother was hairless for a while and he turned out okay. =D


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