My Compassion Kids

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Quincy and Monster have been found!

Well, I have some fairly exciting news. At least, I think it's exciting.

On Monday morning, I was spending my usual morning computer time browsing the interwebs for all kinds of stuff, and for whatever reason I decided to check the status of a craigslist ad I had bookmarked regarding some pet rats for sale. The link no longer worked, but I took a look at the pets section of the Louisville ads, just in case. Lo and behold, there was a posting from 12:55 that morning regarding some newly born baby rats. They were born April 15th, and the litter consisted of three girls and four boys. There were pictures on the ad, and I fell in love. The pics were taken when they were coming up on a week old- they looked like newborn kittens, with squinty eyes and pink noses- and long rat tails. You could tell what most of their fur was going to look like. I sent the seller an email, telling her I was interested in reserving two of the girls (baby rats can't leave their mommies until 4-6 weeks of age) and asking about the price. I went to work Monday thinking I probably wouldn't hear back from this person for a day or two, but when I got home, there was an email waiting for me, listing a great price, and saying she'd be happy to reserve two of the girls for me! I wrote back and told her I'd take them. She actually lives a few minutes from my home, and apparently we have one mutual facebook friend. Anyway. I am extremely excited about this- I had been hesitant about buying from a pet store because a.) you can't guarantee the age, and b.) they probably aren't handled very often. The seller says the babies are being handled every day, and should be able to come home some time in the few days following my birthday, which is great because I don't want to wait very long! She will send pictures this week and for the following two weeks, to show their progress. I saw pictures of them when they were newborns and they grew so much in that first week! When they were first born, they were pink and hairless and a bit translucent- you could see the milk in their bellies. It was a little creepy. They are definitely less freakish now, and I've seen pictures of the sellers pet rats (fully grown) and they can only be described as precious.

So as you can see, I'm quite excited. I will post pictures as soon as I get them. I can't wait until they can come home!

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