My Compassion Kids

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Fingers crossed that no one gets mad cow disease.

You ever have one of those supremely stupid days, and you feel like if you don't tell someone about it, your head might explode? I don't think that counts as complaining. You are...venting your emotions. Yeah.

Last night I told Brandon that we needed to stop by Meijer on the way home from church, because when I went to the grocery store yesterday (Kroger, right by the apartment) they didn't have what I needed to make dinner tonight. The plan was to fix chicken enchiladas- I was actually going to sort of cook since Brandon's cousin was coming over for dinner. I have been planning this meal for about a week. Anyway, when I woke up this morning I was having some issues, and I wasn't able to go to church. I pleaded with Brandon to please stop at Meijer on his way home and get what I needed (two things! And they are a few feet away from each other in the store!) because I would spend the whole day cleaning the apartment, doing three loads of laundry, and, well, having issues. Having him stop by the store for me would have been extremely helpful.

He did not stop at the store.

So at some point I discussed my dilemma with my mother, and she told me Wal-Mart had the stuff that I needed. I wasn't so sure, but there is a Wal-Mart right by the apartment, too, so it wouldn't hurt to check. So this afternoon, after I had made the apartment decent and assured Brandon I would spend my free time this evening doing laundry, I headed over to my parents' house to pick up my copy of the Glee dvd and drop off some mail that needs to go out tomorrow. I should have just stopped by (a different) Meijer then, because it is a few minutes from their house- but from my apartment, not so close. Especially when it's raining and the traffic is bad. But for whatever reason, I just headed back toward home and went to Wal-Mart.

Wal-Mart did not have what I needed.

As I was leaving that dumb store, I decided I was mad at mom for telling me that Wal-Mart had what I needed (which is dumb because it's not like she works there or whatever) and mad at Brandon for not doing what I asked him to do (which isn't as dumb because he should have helped me out, but whatever).

I had to drive all the way back down Bardstown to Hurstbourne and go to Meijer. Passing my parents' house on the way. And guess what? That Meijer didn't have what I needed, either. At this point I was ready to punch someone in the jaw (I've been having trouble managing my anger lately). I called mom to complain about my situation, and she tried being helpful and suggesting other things to have for dinner, but you know what? I don't deal well with change. I had already bought half the ingredients for dumb enchiladas, and I was mad that three major grocery chains let me down, and I didn't want anything else for dinner at this point, so I shot every one of her ideas down. Even homemade pizza, which I can't make because we didn't get the pizza pan from our registry and I only have these two really nice cookie sheets my aunt gave us, which are perfect for making cookies, but because they are narrow and have raised edges on all sides, they are pretty much limited to cookies and like, fish sticks. You can't make pizzas on them. Believe me, I tried, and it was a mess.
So now my mom hates me because I wasn't very friendly, plus I told her I was "irrationally angry" with her for telling me Wal-Mart had the dumb stuff to begin with (hey, I said it was irrational.) I finally gave in and got stuff to make tacos, which I'm not thrilled about because in the hundred something days since we've been back from our honeymoon, I have gotten sick every single time I've eaten beef, except this one time but I ended up feeling bad later anyway so I don't think it counts. So either dinner will make me sick, or I won't eat dinner. Fun times, no?

Like I said. It's been a dumb day. And if I didn't tell anyone, I might have had an aneurysm. Brandon won't listen to me (it's video game time) and mom doesn't have an interest in doing so, either, so that pretty much just leaves this thing. I think talking to an actual person would have been a bit more satisfying, but I'll take what I can get. And now I'll go mope in my room for an hour or so.

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