My Compassion Kids

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Easter went pretty well this year. It wasn't much of a struggle trying to see both our families (unlike Christmas...). Easter morning we got up and went to church, and had to park in the Kohl's parking lot and take the school bus shuttle over to the church, which was a little fun. Apparently some people thought it was more fun than others because I heard rumors of parents shouting "HEY! ISN'T THIS EXCITING? WE'RE ON A BUS!!!" in their kids' faces. After church we had lunch at my Mammaw's and spent time catching up with family. My brother was sick so he didn't eat lunch, which was disappointing, but what are you going to do? The kid had a 101 degree fever. Anyway, after that it was off to Brandon's aunt's house. The Jones clan does holidays pretty interestingly, to me, anyway. Whereas my family gets together, eats a meal, spends a little time together and goes home, they set out lots of food and everybody eats whenever they show up. Then they spend several hours playing games and hanging out, and whenever your tummy feels like it's dinner time, you just go get more food. We got there a little before 3, and were still stuffed from lunch, so we didn't eat. I brought our wedding pictures and those got passed around, and by the time pretty much everyone had seen them, almost everyone had left the house and gone across the street (to Brandon's cousin's house) to either watch or play badminton. This was a little less fun for me because of all the trouble I've had with my allergies and lungs lately...I had to use my inhaler a few times, and all I did was sit in a lawn chair and play with my phone. Then my wonderful mother-in-law asked if I wanted to play Scrabble (I had brought it but Brandon said no one would want to play!) and we played a round. We were eventually joined by my probable future sister-in-law Emily, and then more family members. By the time we were on round three or four I was getting a little antsy and ready to go home- it was after 7:30. So Brandon packed up a plate of food for his dinner and we left. All in all it wasn't a terrible day- not that I was expecting it to be. I'm not really sure when the next family get-together holiday is, but hopefully it will go as smoothly as this one.

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