My Compassion Kids

Monday, March 29, 2010

Happy Birthday!

Today is Brandon's 23rd birthday. I am doing my best to be excited (I am sick. Hopefully I won't ruin everything for him.) He has had a few birthday treats over the past few days. On Saturday Mammaw brought him a chocolate birthday pie (because Brandon loves chocolate) and his present from her, Pappaw, and Brian (the Clone Wars Monopoly.) Last night we went out to dinner with Brandon's family, and that was nice. I haven't seen them in a few weeks because I have been sick and all kinds of crazy stuff. We went to Cracker Barrel, and I had pancakes, and they were good. Today we will run over to the library for a few minutes, because we are having a going-away potluck for our children's librarian, Ms Lynn (who is one of my favorite people). We will not stay and eat, because I don't want to cough on everyone, but I need to drop off a cheesecake for the potluck, and say hi to my bff Owen (my friend and former co-worker's one month old baby). I told Brandon I'd get him Taco Bell for his birthday lunch, and then tonight my family is coming over for pizza and cake and ice cream. It should be fun. I hope Brandon has a really nice birthday. I will try not to cough all over his cake.

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