My Compassion Kids

Sunday, October 30, 2016

I'm Back!

What a week it's been! I returned home from my Honduras trip early this morning, and have been trying to catch up on rest today. I missed Monday Mail Call last week, and, fair warning, will probably miss it this week as well- a lot of letters came while I was away, and I've got a lot of stuff to do around here during my day off tomorrow! October Compassion Joys will probably be a bit late, too. But over the next few weeks, I plan on sharing about each day of the trip, letting you in on the amazing stories from each day, and posting photos of the beautiful Honduran children we met along the way (including the most beautiful ones, whom I happen to sponsor!) Stay tuned and please be patient as I try to gather my thoughts and put my brain back together after a long, impactful week!!

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