My Compassion Kids

Monday, August 29, 2016

Project Letter: TZ-665

Here's a letter from Amina's project in Tanzania! The photos are from Compassion's website. 

I greet you in the name of Jesus Christ. My name is Pastor Joseph C of (the church) located in the Dodoma region in Tanzania. Matongolo is a village about 55 km away from the Kongwa district center. Your sponsored child attends (TZ-665.) There are 273 children in the sponsorship program, and in the CSP we have 40 mothers and babies. On behalf of our children, parents, members of our church, and village members of Matongolo, I would like to use this opportunity to thank you for all your support to Amina. We thank you so much.

Through sponsorship, our children know about God. They know that Jesus is the savior. They attend classes to learn about the word of God every week at the center. Through this special day, many of the children have accepted Jesus as their savior and also use their talents (like singing, playing musical instruments, and preaching the Word of God) to minister to their peers. All of these are the result of sponsor support.

Children who are registered at our center are healthier. This is partly from the balanced diet of meals and snacks that they eat while at the center when attending their program day. These children also acquire treatment from the neighboring health center when they fall sick. Entrepreneurship and self reliance skills are part of what they learn here at the center. They learn about carpentry, tailoring, computers, and making clothes. They also participate in different games and sports, like football and netball.

Through different activities done at the center, the community has been changed economically. At the center we have some parents who have organized themselves and formed a group called Bank Mazao. These group members deal with collecting maize from these families during harvest seasons and store them at the center. During drought seasons, they redistribute this maize to themselves- some for food and some for selling. They use the money raised to provide loans to village members, which are later returned with some interest on an agreed-upon period of time. This helps them so much to increase their income and build a good relationship between the community and the center. The CSP mothers have been able to establish the batik center, which deals with making cultural clothes. They buy material and dye it using the special batik method, making cultural clothes. They buy material and dye it using the special batik method, then make clothing, which they later sell to the community. This center has been so successful because the income earned helps in meeting their families' needs.

I think the correspondence relationship is crucial to the survival of the program. It establishes the motivation and confidence between the sponsor and the sponsored. It allows the sponsor to ensure a good return on his investment. When the children receive letters from you, it is a single area where we can see the happiness on their faces. They are joyful when they receive a letter from you. On the contrary, those who do not receive any letter from you for a long time become sad. Please write a letter to Amina.

We thank you very much for your support to Amina. May God bless you so much.

If you are interested in sponsoring a young lady in Tanzania, please consider beautiful Halima! She lives with her mom and dad and she is 19 years old. You can learn more about her here.

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