My Compassion Kids

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Project Letter: KE-792

Here's a letter from Mercy's project in Kenya! All the photos come from Compassion's website.

Greetings in the name of Jesus. My name is Rev. Penina M. I am the minister of Methodist Church of Kenya Ngusishi which runs (KE-792) attended by Mercy. I give my heartfelt appreciation for the good work you do in sponsoring and supporting Mercy. I thank you. Sponsors like you have enabled these children to have the opportunity to develop physically, spiritually, socially, and mentally. This would otherwise be unattainable for these children.

The Ngusishi area lies around a market on the slopes of Mt Kenya. The community here is made up of different ethnic groups who have come in search of casual employment opportunities created by horticulture farms. Overpopulation, unreliable rainfall, HIV/AIDS, scarce employment  opportunities and poorly developed human resources create economic marginalization for local population. Parents do not have enough resources or capacity to support their large families.

The children and youth of Ngusishi area are therefore in difficult circumstances. They need support to develop into responsible Christian adults, passionate to transform their community. They need to be inspired to believe they can have an impact.

Our center offers an opportunity for needy children to go through experiences that ignite and sustain their development leading towards belief in Christ. This reduces the vulnerability of children to challenges of alcohol, drug abuse, dangerous social behavior and poor life choices. By ensuring the children access proper health care, we have enhanced their positive hygiene habits, health and fitness. These efforts have reduced incidences of illness, nutritional deficiencies, and physical impediments.

The center strives to provide learning experiences for the children that will ensure development spiritually, physically, economically, and socio-emotionally. The center also seeks to provide educational materials and supplement school fees.

In the last year, over one hundred and eighty children have received letters from their sponsors. All children have written to their sponsors at least three times in the same period. This means the children and the sponsors enjoy frequent communication. They express themselves to each other and get to know all developments. The sponsors also receive updated images of the children. Through sponsor-child relationships, children's self esteem is greatly improved. They also share prayer requests about situations in their lives. They understand each other and share experiences making these relationships meaningful and interesting. Please write to Mercy as much as you can.

All these beautiful things are possible through your sponsorship, your support and your love for Mercy. I request you to pray earnestly for God to guard and protect our children as they grow into fulfilled servants in his ministry. Once again, I thank you for your love and support.

If you are interested in sponsoring a child from Mercy's project, please consider Muriuki! He is only 4 years old and has been waiting over six months for a sponsor. Since kids are usually only registered for sponsorship when they are about 3, this means that for most if not all of his time in the program, he has not had the love and care of a sponsor. You can read more about Muriuki here.

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