My Compassion Kids

Friday, August 19, 2016

Project Letter: GH-755

Here's a letter from the project our Mary A. in Ghana attends! All the photos come from Compassion's website.

My name is Rev. Canon M of (the church) in the eastern region of Ghana. We run (GH-755) attended by Mary A. Our cool and peaceful town, famous for its botanic gardens, is home to the 195 registered children of the center.

I appreciate you for sponsoring our needy children and would like to thank you on behalf of the center for your love, gifts, and words of encouragement for Mary. We thank you for helping to be a blessing to these children and for giving them hope in life.

Aburi is the capital of Akuapem with an estimated population of 18,701 inhabitants. The primary occupation of the people is subsistence farming while others are employed as wood carvers and petty traders. It is the home to the famous Aburi Botanical Gardens, the Presbyterian women's college of education, Aburi girls senior high school, Adonten senior high school and three public missionary basic schools built by the Presbyterian, Wesleyan, and Anglicans. Despite the availability of educational institutions, most people in this community are not able to complete a basic education because of their low level of income.

The impact of the center cannot be underestimated. The children begin the day with morning worship service. After that, the children take their breakfast. Teaching of the curriculum usually begins at 9:45 where teachers go through lessons from the four thematic areas of cognitive, spiritual, physical, and socio-emotional curriculum. Classes for children 6-8 years are interspersed with various activities such as singing, painting and memory verse recitals which makes the curriculum interesting and fun.

At 1:00 pm the children break for lunch and extracurricular activities. This includes sewing, piano lessons, academics, drama, and cultural dance for those between 9 and 14 years. The children are also allowed some play time where they build their social interaction with others.

The center has not only had a great impact on the lives of the children but also on their families and the community as a whole. Education meetings held each month teach caregivers how to properly care for their children. Caregivers receive education on prevention of diseases such as malaria, hepatitis B and cholera. They also receive education on child rights and protection and this has helped improve the lives of families and the community. Caregivers sometimes meet to pray for the center, their children and sponsors. The children are also educated on their health and on the prevention of certain diseases that are prevalent in the community.

The children, who used to roam on the dangerous streets of the town on Saturdays while their parents worked now have a safe place to gather, meet other children, learn about the love of Christ, learn some good health practices and enjoy balanced meals. Children also have access to good health care as their parents no longer have to worry about their hospital bills.

Letters play a role in bonding children and their sponsors. Children who receive letters from their sponsors are happy and share the letters with family. They wish to write back immediately. Children who do not receive letters are often sad. Letters tell the children they are loved and valued. This is significant. Please write to Mary as much as you can.

It is my fervent prayer that this center will grow from strength to strength, that God will bless all our sponsors and that the children will grow in the spirit and likeness of Christ. We are indeed grateful for your continuous love and support for Mary.

If you are interested in sponsoring a child from Mary's center, please consider sweet little Francisca! She has been waiting much too long for a sponsor. Read more about her here.

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