My Compassion Kids

Monday, July 18, 2016

Pastor Letter: IN-984

Here's a letter from Kajal's project in India! The photos are from Compassion's website. 

Greetings to you in the name of our God! It is an honor for me to write this letter to you. May these lines find you healthy and hearty in God. I am A., the project director of the Child Development Center in Uttar Pradesh, India, where your sponsored child attends. Thank you for sponsoring Kajal. We started our center in November 2012 to provide holistic development to the children of the economically weak section of our society.

Currently we have over 200 children in this center. The main challenge we face is opposition in our community. Many people do not understand the Scriptures. Our church is working among the people who are very poor. They are working as factory workers, daily laborers, tailors, and some are running small shops of vegetables and groceries to earn their money. However, their basic requirement of living for themselves and for their children are not fulfilled by their income.

Part of the center's vision is to provide education to the weak section of the community, and also to give them opportunity to grow in all faculties of life to be good human beings. For this we have different activities to nurture them in every phase of need, and therefore we give them academic and spiritual teachings. And last but not least, we give them sufficient time to play so they could grow physically as well.

The center has laid a very positive influence on the children who come.  They have learned a lot of good things. I have seen a big change in their lives. For instance, they have learned how to live hygienically, how to behave in a proper manner, and how to pray to God. Their faith in God is also growing. Our church reaches out to the community. By our church's and center's activities people are learning to understand the human, moral, and spiritual values.

We are really very thankful to our sponsors, that they sponsor children and write letters to them. This really fills them with a great joy and encourages them to come to the center regularly and to learn the things enthusiastically. But if they do not receive a letter from their sponsors, the children become sad and discouraged because others receive letters. A personal letter builds a personal relationship between a child and his or her sponsor.

Please remember all our children in your daily prayers. Pray that they will be a blessing to whomever they encounter. Once again, I would like to extend my thankfulness to you. Through your support we are not only providing Kajal with spiritual or cognitive education, but we are able to give her clothing, uniforms, gifts, and nutritious food also. May our God fulfill all your desires, bless you and your family richly, and use you to glorify his name.

There aren't currently any Indian kids waiting for sponsors on Compassion's website, but this little cutie is from Sri Lanka, so they are neighbors! Dehansa's dress reminds me of a cupcake. Read more about her here!

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