My Compassion Kids

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Project Letter: RW-641

Here's a letter from Emmanuel T.'s project in Rwanda! All the photos come from Compassion's website. 

I am Nsabimana S., the pastor of (RW-641) in Kanazi and also (the project) where we minister to Emmanuel. I am glad to write to you to thank you for your support and your sponsorship of Emmanuel. Through your kind support and that of the other sponsors, we are able to serve the little ones and release them from poverty in Jesus' name.

The people in our community are very poor. They suffer much from lack of food and water, unemployment, no education, no opportunity, and they are still recovering from the 1994 genocide. There are many widows and orphans. The children are affected most by this. Because of this situation, we are grateful to have the center to develop the children holistically in the Compassion International program. We serve them in the spiritual, physical, cognitive, and socio-emotional areas.

There is a very big difference between children who are sponsored at the center and those who are not. They have a better life. They receive medical care and are given school materials and school fees. They are learning to behave better and have respect. They are taught the word of God and some have accepted Jesus Christ as their savior. We are glad some of our children have developed their talents and some young girls and boys know how to dance Kinyarwanda dance and how to play musical instruments. This will help us to maintain Rwandan culture. In addition to helping the children, our church has formed cooperatives to help people to join hands together to help themselves develop. Their mindset has changed positively because members do meet together and exchange ideas. We are helping the entire community, beginning with the program at the center.

The children are always so excited to receive letters from their sponsors. The letter correspondence between the sponsors and the children is a very important part of the development program, and is also very important to their self-esteem. They feel loved and cared for and encouraged in their studies, at the center and at church. They are especially delighted to receive photos. For this reason, please send Emmanuel letters.

To conclude, I would wish to extend my sincere appreciation for your kindness and support you have given to Emmanuel. May God bless you so much for the good work you are rendering.

If you are interested in sponsoring a young man in Rwanda, please consider Modeste. He is 19 years old and lives with his mom and two siblings. He is doing well in vocational school and enjoys listening to music and singing in the choir! Read more about Modeste here.

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