My Compassion Kids

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Project Letter: NI-240

Here's a letter from little Hankel's project in Nicaragua! All the photos come from Compassion's website. 

Dear Jessi,
My name is Pedro S. I'm the pastor of (NI-240) which is located in Managua, the capital of Nicaragua. We host (the project) where Hankel attends. I am very grateful for the support you are giving to Hankel in our community. Our center has become a blessing for both the children and the community, because people like you are willing to collaborate.

Our church is in the San Judas neighborhood. There is a high poverty rate here. One of the most common problems that directly affect our children is the neglect of irresponsible fathers. Mothers struggle alone. That is why the centers have become a huge support for these families. But our church also faces the negativity of families when they are invited to seek God. There is much resistance, but thank God there are some families who seek the Lord and attend church.

The impact that this center has had on our community has been great. It has allowed the children the opportunity to improve their lives and receive the material support they need. Our vision is that every center child will be successful, know Christ and transform for a better future. These children need the health, food, clothes and housing that every human being needs. But above all they need the Word of God to transform their lives.

Children have changed at the center. They show good behavior, personal care, self-esteem, knowledge of the Word, as well as economic improvement. These enormous changes fill us with great satisfaction and gratitude to God.

The children express that they have found kind and friendly people who have helped them to develop as individuals. In the future the children want to be different from others by implementing and demonstrating of all the lessons and skills that they learn throughout the time they are at the center. They say they are very grateful.

Only half of our children received a sponsor letter last year. This makes children sad and discouraged because all of them expect to receive a reply to the letters they send. I consider the relationship through letters between the children and the sponsors very important. They can be friends, know each other, make prayer requests, show pictures and talk about family. This creates a close relationship for everyone. Please write to Hankel as much as you can.

I thank you once again for your interest and the support given to Hankel. I ask you to pray to the Lord that parents will be more interested in the well-being of their children and give them the love and care they need.

If you are interested in sponsoring a little boy in Nicaragua, please consider handsome Miguel! He lives with his mom, dad, and one sibling, and he's doing really well in kindergarten! Read more about Miguel here.

1 comment:

  1. That's so sad that only half the kids get letters. I hope Compassion gets that Encourager program up and running soon!!! (Once the current letter kinks are worked out.)


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