My Compassion Kids

Monday, May 16, 2016

Sweet Greetings from Kenya, India, and Bolivia

Happy Mail Call Monday!

I ran into a glitch with Compassion's computers lately and haven't been receiving letters (the ones that I missed are being reprinted and mailed to me!) but toward the end of the week, the email system appeared to be fixed, so I got a few emails announcing that I had a new letter waiting for me to read! From now on, I will be sharing my letters when they arrive in my email inbox, rather when they show up in my actual mailbox, since I can share about them quicker. :)

So here are this week's letters! The first was from Celestine in Kenya!

Celestine's handwriting has gotten so much better over the past year. :) She started her letter with "HEY!" and I thought that was really funny. She shared that she and her family are doing well, and she's making average grades in school (well, average here, but really good for her school- and regardless, I'm proud of her hard work!) She also said that she's been playing lots of sports and she is the assistant captain of the handball team at the project, and wanted to know about my favorite games. She said she is praying for us and loves getting our letters!

Next was a letter from Sukumar in India!

Sukumar is so sweet. I love his letters. He shares a lot (and he has pretty handwriting.) He wanted to check in on our health and our jobs and things like that. He said he really loved all the pictures and letters we've been sending, and he shared some fun stuff from his life. He told us about his exams and the dates they took place. They had a child protection day at the project where a speaker from the International Justice Mission's India branch came and talked to them about slavery and trafficking, and Sukumar told us that they learned how to help kids in their neighborhood and warning signs, and stuff like that. Then he said his class went on a trip to Kolkata. It had to be over a weekend or something, because they did a ton- they went to the zoo, the memorial gardens, and a bunch of other awesome things!! It sounded like so much fun. Oh, and he said they went to "Science City." I want to learn more about that, and when I wrote my response, I told him we have a science museum in our city, and told him I'd write a letter about it sometime in the near future. Sukumar also drew a great picture!

Finally, we got our first letter from Francisco in Bolivia!

It was so nice to hear from Francisco. We had been writing to him for six months and it was time to do an inquiry, and then the email showed up! Francisco said he really likes getting our letters and is glad that we write to him a lot. He lives with his mom Elena and one sister, and he likes playing soccer and drawing. Francisco's dad lives in another city for work, and he said he misses him a lot. It's so sad that some families are separated like that. We also learned that Francisco likes the story of Samson, and he wants to be an attorney when he grows up. He made a cute drawing, too!

1 comment:

  1. Sukumar is a good artist! And how great that IJM spoke at their project. I can't wait to here what he says about the Science City. How cool that Celestine plays handball!!! It's pretty fun to watch. And Francisco is so cute!!!! I love his aspiration to be an attorney and his drawing is adorable.


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