My Compassion Kids

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Project Letter: CO-383

Here's a letter from Julian's project in Colombia! All the photos come from Compassion's website.

We greet you in the precious name of our Lord Jesus Christ! My name is Marisela O. I am the center director of (CO-383.) We are located in the region of Llanos Orientales, region of Colombia, where your sponsored child attends. Thank you for sponsoring Julian. We are very grateful for sponsorship support. We are observing positive changes in their socio-emotional, physical, cognitive, and spiritual life. With sponsors support we can remind children the love of God and the possibility to change the way they see the world. Likewise, the center is blessed because it leads us to make dreams come true.

We are a center with three years of operation; we work with entire families who have arrived in this poor neighborhood of the city. They are displaced from many regions because of the conflict in our country. Many years ago with the church we are doing the work with the children in need, looking for ways to teach them the great love of our Lord Jesus Christ. In our center we work with children from 3 to 12 years old.

With the help of our God we implement activities that lead to improving the skills of our children. We see the need to implement sports like soccer and organize tournament with other centers and thus contribute to their development. Other events conducted in the center are: children's worship, where they are the exponents; they show us through plays Christ-centered teachings. likewise in the month of April we celebrate Children's Day, we also share with them their birthdays on a quarterly basis.

Our children during this working time have understood that it is through prayer that they can benefit from God. The families want to support us in recreational activities and accompaniments in educational outing. To see families with the desire to work hand in hand with the center is very impactful.

We are a close team where we support each other, and we care about each other. What drives us to continue with this vision vision is a latent change of several children attending the center. We teach and transmit values to children for them to recognize that Christ has the power to change the way they live. We support low-income families with prayer groups. We support these families in need to provide opportunities for them to improve their quality of life.

We have received two visits from sponsors where most of the children were present and it has been for us a blessing to see our children's faces light up with joy. For sponsors to visit to the homes and to know the community and the environment surrounding our children of the center is a huge blessing. Also one of our girls with her mother had the opportunity to travel to another city to meet her sponsor. They shared happy moments and visited the sea. It was such a blessing.

We have groups of children that in a year have received three letters and there is another group who have constant communication with their sponsor. They receive large packages of letters and the joy of our children has been greater. The letters create hope in the hearts of the children. For this reason we encourage the sponsors to write their sponsored child.

We ask your prayers for the children's ministry, especially the child who today is also a part of your family. We thank God first of all because sponsors believe in the work we do. May the God of Heaven reward you greatly and grand every day the requests of your heart.

If you are interested in sponsoring a little boy in Colombia, please consider little Cristian! I love his sweet smile! He is 7 years old and just had his birthday in March. He lives with his mom, and he loves playing soccer! Read more about Cristian here.

1 comment:

  1. That's neat that they've had two visits from sponsors. But what an interesting thing to learn that most of the kids' families came from regions of conflict. Those are things I appreciate learning from these letters.


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