My Compassion Kids

Monday, May 2, 2016

Project Letter: BF-351

Here's a letter from Reine's center in Burkina Faso! All the photos come from Compassion's website. 

Dear Jessi,

I am Elie G., the team leader of the child development center (BF-351) in which is your sponsored child. It is located in the city of Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. We thank you for your choice to sponsor and support Reine in the holistic development. May the Almighty God bless you!

Sponsorship has a great impact on a child's life. I would like to tell you the story of one boy. At first he wept for hours when his mother dropped him at the center. It took a lot of prayers, patience, and love toward him so he could feel at ease at the center. We thank God for his center worker, who never tires to comfort the new children and share his experience with them. Today this boy is 11 years old. He joyfully attends primary school, and he has well grown physically. He has accepted Jesus as his Savior and leads the praise and worship in the class.

At first, another boy was very turbulent and hit other children in his class. He was disrespectful and rude toward teachers to the point that no one wanted to admit him in his class. But today we thank God for the radical change in the life of this young man, who is now 19. He is friendly, attends school, and does not miss to attend church.

We recently received complementary interventions, and we purchased novels to enhance our library to the benefit of the children at the center. The impact of these funds on the children of the center was to strengthen their knowledge in French and English. We can therefore say that their families and the community benefit, since the children's school results have been better.

The children of the center rejoice when they receive letters from their sponsors. Some even make collections of received photos and gadgets and they keep them jealously. Parents are also happy and come to the center to thank the workers, because it is through the letters that children and their parents get news from their sponsors, and that establishes a communication link.

It is a grace to work in this ministry, to see how kids are growing up, to educate them, and help them to become responsible and independent Christian adults. It needs a great responsibility and spiritual maturity.

The relation we have with the children is very strong because we have been transformed to accept others and see life differently. To achieve this goal we must be full of love and patience as the book of Galatians 5:22 says. We already see the fruits in some children's lives for education or health. This encourages us to move forward and have love for our work within the center. The spiritual aspect is not neglected in the children. We recognize the hand of God in all aspects of their lives. Sometimes we had to pray to settle certain situations or diseases, and we have seen the hand of God.

We thank you and encourage you for your choice focused on your child. We would like you to know that you made the right choice to provide support. All the sponsorship of our center's children affects positively their lives and their families and community. Thank you for your help in supporting Reine, and we wish the Lord to bless you, give you long life and success. Please keep on praying that God will always protect the children of our center and bless them.

If you are interested in sponsoring a young lady in Burkina Faso, please consider Zourata. She is so sweet! And I love that shirt. :) Zourata is 9 years old, and her birthday is July 2. She loves reading and has four brothers and sisters! Read more about Zourata here.


  1. This is your kind of project!!! I love that they bought novels to increase their library!!!

    1. You know that line definitely caught my eye!


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