My Compassion Kids

Monday, April 25, 2016

Sweet Greetings from Haiti, Tanzania, Colombia, Peru, Togo, and Ethiopia

Happy Mail Call Monday- the last of April!

I can't believe this year is going by so quickly. It's already a third over! We received several letters this week. The first was from Amitie in Haiti.

This was our first letter from Amitie since I took over writing to her for my mom. She is really sweet and she wrote a lot! She said she thinks we are doing well and it is nice to respond to my letters. :) She said she is happy that her name is written in my prayer journal and that we have her picture, and she sent us Isaiah 43:1. She asked if I have free time to read my Bible, and said she prays for God to bless us abundantly!

Next we heard from Elifagason in Tanzania!

Elifagason said that he and his family are in good health, and his family is raising chickens and growing maize, sunflowers, and peanuts. He is also learning about respect and self control at the center!

We also got a letter from Elisha in Tanzania!

Elisha said he and his family are doing well, and he is enjoying the letters we send. He said that right now, he likes studying art best, and he is learning to draw people, trees, and "other things." He asked what I like to draw!

Then there was a letter from Julian in Colombia!

I was surprised to hear from Julian, since we usually hear from Michel the same day that we get his letters- and we heard from both of them recently! Julian said that his school year started in February and he's in the 2nd grade. His favorite subject is social studies, but he's not enjoying learning English. He said he has a lot of friends and he enjoys playing with them and spending time with them. He also wrote that he would like to learn more abut tigers! And he drew a snowman and some snowballs!

We also *finally* got a letter from Mishel in Peru!

I say finally because I have been waiting for this letter a long time! Mishel wrote that she received the gifts a friend dropped off at the Peru field office last summer. The letter was basically just a list of the items that we sent, but a picture was included. Unfortunately the picture was damaged, so we are going to do an inquiry to see if the field office can send another copy.

Another letter that came in this week was from Rachelle in Togo!

Rachelle said that she loves getting our letters and she and her family are well. She said she is praying for my brother in law and that she wants to learn more about sheep! On the prayer section of her letter, she said she is praying for God to lift Brandon up "every time, everywhere." She also drew three pictures for us: a backpack, a bike, and a flower!

Another letter out of Tanzania was from Said!

Said said thank you for the letters we have sent, and he hoped that we got his letter soon. :) He also shared that he is getting good grades and is doing well with his home chores and his activities at the center. He also said that he wants me to come back to see him in Tanzania, and if I come for a visit, I can see the mountains and national parks. :)

We also heard from Yekersew in Ethiopia!

Yekersew's letter was a form letter about his project. I think he misunderstood one of the questions because he said that only three children go there. :) He also said that he visits the project 5 days a week, which is awesome! He likes playing with the kids there, and he said that his favorite thing about the project workers is that they "greet and love" him. Yekersew said that he bought a mattress with a recent financial gift, and he shared the sad news that Yekersew's father has abandoned his family. My heart hurts for this little boy and I so wish I could give him a hug. I will try my best to send an encouraging note to him and his family, but I can't imagine that anything I have to say would be all that comforting. Please join me in praying for Yekersew, his brothers and his sister.

And finally, rounding out the Tanzania bunch was a letter from Zalifina!

Zalifina shared that she and her family are doing well. She is enjoying school and she is praying that God will help her with her exams. She also asked me for my prayer requests. She told us that right now, farmers are planting their crops, and asked about the seasons in our country. She said she likes getting our letters and said that her friends Amisa, Aisha, and Fatuma send their greetings- I thought that was really sweet! She shared Psalm 120:1-2 with us.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! What a great bunch of letters for ending the month! I loved hearing what Elifgason planted and what Elisha is learning to draw!! You have some animal letter topics now too, thanks to Rachelle and Julian. I'll be praying for Yekersew and his family. And how sweet that Said wants you to come back!!!


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